Crazy Clown Calbert

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Calbert is going to bet getting himself a Bride.

Who will it be, Buck? Mitzie or Missy??

I'll be tuning in.;)

Given how well Fauna and Tucker seem to be doing,we are currently leaning toward bonding Missy and Calbert, so as tohave one inside cage and two house bunnies therein. Cuts cagemaintenance down considerably.

Calbert is definitely Missus Buck's baby, and Missy is mine, so ifthey're bonded we all get the best of all worlds, for us and them.

Have just completed reconstructing Fauna's old outside hutchby adding a sleeping box/eating area, wheels, plastic corrogatedroofing, various hardware improvements and lattice work to pretty itup. I finished it off with a redwood stain, that in fact,makes the whole hutch appear like a rich mahogany color. Itwill make a fine outdoor hutch for Missy/Calbert during the day, and wecan bring them in at night to do the house bunny bit...if all goesaccording to plan.

All subject to bunny approval and whims, of course.

Ohhhhh Boy!!


Crazy Clown Calbert will meet his match, and Then Some, in Miss Missy. :shock:

Sound like you've been busy, Buck.

The things we do for love. All that work to make your newlyweds happy. :)

You're The Best.


Calbert definitely has a special shining and soft-spot in his heart for 'The Missus'.

He adores her, as Missy adores you.

It will be veryinteresting to see if our lovable, zany-antic Calbert will mellow downa bit after he's "married". :)

Observing "bachelor" Calbert vs. "married" Calbert is going to be a most wonderful exercise in lagomorph behaviorism.
Now I've heard everything! Arranged marriages for rabbits, lmao. ;)
When will the dress fitting be? ;)WillCalbert be in a tux? Are Mocha and Spice invited? lmao, sorry, couldn'tresist! :D
Announcingthat the first formal date has occurred between Calbert andMissy. Both were observed chowing down some parrottreaton the Jones' table top, suitably covered with a diningblanket. There was much head to head touching, sideby side lounging. and a grooming nibble here and there.Calbert was seen to get a bit randy and perhaps a little toofamiliar for a first date, so the date was concluded about aboutone-half hour.

The Jones were very, very pleased with this first outing.Calbert is now tossing his cat ball with rattle all around his cage outof frustration for letting his remaining hormones get the better ofhim, and bringing things to a close for the evening.


Oh, I'm so glad! "head-to-head and lounging side-by-side..." Good deal!
Calbert spent a lot of his free time at camp lounging by her tent.

Can't believe you got The Mrs. to say okay to another house rabbit.

You're as sly as the rabbits, Mr. Jones!!


Do keep us posted.
"head tohead touching, side by side lounging. and a grooming nibblehere and there" I know A LOT of men that could learnsomething from Calbert! ;)

Happy to report the lovers are cavorting around the house with nountoward incidents. We've both visited each other's cagessinglely and together with nobunny getting upset orterritorial. I believe summer camp at Carolyn's was verybeneficial in giving them the opportunity to get to "know" one anotherthrough the cage wires.

Not ready to house them in the same cage yet, but this bonding attemptis proceeding quite well andmore rapidly than most we'veexperienced.Shouldn't be too much longer, know on wood, thatwe can declare it a success.


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