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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
Hi, I bought (Ocean Spraybrand)Craisins today. Well of course all three ofour Rascals loved them, actually they went completely nuts forthem. :bunnydance:

My question is how many do you give to your Bunniesdaily/weekly? I did notice one of the ingredents was sugar,I'm always reading too much sugar is no good for Bunnies.

Look forward to your replies.


with something like that i dont give more thanone or two a day if i can help it..but i treat any fruit (even withoutadded sugar) like that as a treat as there are natural sugars as two love craisins too :D and raisins.. and i get the cutest bunnydances when they hear the bag of dried papaya!
Spiced77 wrote:
i dont give more than one or two a day
Just use it as a treat and the bunnies will love you forit. If you don't eat it all for yourself.:p

I just started giving Pebbles ChewablePapaya tablets, and she loves crunching down onthose. Thanks Soooska.

Rainbows! :D
Ooooh, Bunny loves Craisins!!! He goes NUTS!over them! Just a crumple of the bag and he comesrunning. It's so funny because he makes little squeaky noiseswhen he eats them! My poor fat baby!:p

Sorry, but while your on the subject what thingscan you feed your bunnies as treats? I usually stick to a greens andcabbage and broccoli but i'm going to France with my schooltommorrow for a week and i want to spoil my buns before i go, i don'twant to leave them!:tears2:
Cabbage and brocoli gives bunnies gas.Have you tried Romaine lettuce, cilantro, italian parsley, or red leaflettuce? Dandelion leaves are usually a big hit with bunns too, as iswhite clover-leavs and flowers.

Sooska, Apollo hates craisins. I was giving him 2 a day but hewouldn't touch them. I ate them. I love those things lol. I'm getting anew bag for the Twins and the Nibblets. Maybe they will like them. Oneor two every other day should pose a problem.

Treats my rabbits like include carrot, apple,raisins and raspberry leaves and cheerios. They also like a strawberrynow and again.

:bunnydance:I have never heard my bunnies "fluff" either. They must do though!!!

Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Sorry, but while your on the subject what things can youfeed your bunnies as treats? I usually stick to a greens and cabbageand broccoli but i'm going to France with my school tommorrowfor a week and i want to spoil my buns before i go, i don't want toleave them!:tears2:

The Busy Bunny( orBunny Bytes( a lot of excellent bunny treats for a reasonable price. section of the HRS can be helpful, and I LOVE this recipe forbunny biscuits

Theodore's favorite treats included: banana, papaya tablets, a handfulof alfalfa hay, yogurt drops, and occaisonally a peice of Special Kcereal. Actually, greens should actually be a staple of the diet andnot a treat :D

I don't use a coffee grinder, instead I crunchup the pellets and oatswith a fork or put thembetweena layer of paper plates and smash the heck out of themwith something like a hammer. Works great :D I've yet to meet a bunnywho didn't *love* these treats!
Linz_1987 wrote:
Agh my god I want to make some rabbit biscuits!But we dont have a coffee grinder. What else can Iuse?
I've used a food processor, a blender, or a big ol' hammer like JS posted.
I don't think it's necessary to turn them into powder, just fine enoughto cook up without big pieces of pellets to make the brownies chunkie.

I've also substituted baby food for the mashed or pureed ingrediants.

I've even substituted "instant oats" instead of grinding the whole rolled oats.

Here's the modified recipe that I posted for the homemade bunniebrownies (basic recipe is from the HRS website)....:D:cooking:

Remember, these are treats, so give them sparingly.

1 small carrot, pureed (can substitute apple or pear...or try canned pumpkin)
1/2 banana, mashed until really creamy
1 tbsp honey
1/4 cup rabbit pellets, ground finely in a coffee grinder
1/4 cup ground oats, ground finely in a coffee grinder

I also add some craisins and raisins. :clap:

Mix pureed carrot, banana, raisins, craisins and honey in a mediumbowl. Add pellet powder and ground oats. Mix untilblended.Put mixture inthrow away aluminum pan (Iuse a meatloafpan..or two, depending on how much you make).Even out to 1/2 thickness. Score with knife in 1/2 squares. Bake at 325degrees for about 30 minutes (check to make sure they are not browningtoo much).

Turn off the heat and let the cookies sit in the warm oven for an hour or so.:waiting:

Enjoy :bunnydance:

:~) Jim
Hi JimD

When you say instant oats (rolled oats) are you talking about "Quaker Oats" (the bag with the old man on it) LOL?

I really want to make these treats for the babies they will love them.


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