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Okayy I have voted once and i am going to keep it up all day and keep refreshing it so every 15 mins i can vote - once I get into something like this i never stop until they win :p
Zeus had a nice lead last night - but today he's only ahead of 2nd place by 14 votes (currently he has 554 - 2nd place has 540 and 3rd place has 509....4th place is back around 200 votes).

I'll try to continue working on this today - but I'm bumping this up so others can work on it too.....with all of us doing this - maybe we could aim to get him up to 1,000 votes by tonight???
The weekly winners are by popular vote - the grand prize is a drawing.

I think we have her winning but there is a shephard closing in!!! :shock:
As Dawn's not the shepard mix we're worried about.. it's that danged dog Sweet Pea.....

dog nap the dog we
At my last vote we had 630 votes!

I vote as much a day as I can and will continue to do so!

I was reading the rules - if they can just win one of the weekly prizes - they'll get the trip to the water it isn't like we have to keep it bumped up all month long...just long enough for them to get a weekly prize.

The winner is partly based upon number of votes received - not sure what else it is based on....

I think we just have to keep bumping this up till Thursday sometime to win this week.....

....and yes, I just voted again....

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