I started my bunnies on veggies right at the 12 week mark as per the HRS suggestions and they were eating large amounts of the veggies that had already been thoroughly introduced by 3.5-4 mos....
....if someone preferred to wait until 6 mos to introduce veggies to their bunny, I certainly wouldn't try to tell them they shouldn't. however, if owner and bunny (and bunny's digestive system) are happy with adding veggies to the diet starting at 3 mos, there's nothing wrong with that either.[/QUOTE]
I think it's even more important, though, to ensure young bunnies get the additional nutrition they need if you're replacing some of their pellets with veggies.
Jennifer, I'm sure you took the time to select the veggies yours' needed to replace some of the nutrients they would've gotten from a regular pellet ration, but I bet not everyone does. I think it's safer to not reduce the pellets and just use veggies as a treat during the time they're growing.