Last night, I got really excited that Nick ran down and over to me when it was bedtime treat time. I only offered him a small piece of dried papaya (he usually gets papaya, and a raisin as well). He sniffed it, then ran back into the condo without eating it. I left it in there, and it is gone this morning. (Amelia doesn't like them.) I also put an extra hay rack up there, but I can't tell if he ate any of it. Forgot to take the hay cube out, and someone ate half of that, but it could have been Amelia.
I got up at 2:30 to check on him. He was in the same spot as he was when I went to bed, just facing the opposite direction. Amelia was snuggled up to him.
He seemed ok, so I went back to bed.
Got up early (5:30 instead of 6:15). The were still up there. When I opened the gate, Nick ran out and into the Cottontail Cottage, and spent 10 minutes or so tearing up cardboard, then ran back to the top floor of his condo. I didn't want to overload him with sugar, so I only offered him a tiny taste of his morning banana, which he took from me, then turned his back on me to eat it.
I tried to offer him some veggies, but he rubbed his nose all over them and then went into the corner, hunched up, and thumped at me. Then Amelia came over, lay down next to him, and ate his veggies. :grumpy:
Can't tell if he's had any water. There is a pile of very small poops in the litter box that might be his.
I wonder if he also maybe feels betrayed. He's always been the kind of bunny that just doesn't want to be touched/petted. We've had them over 2 years, and he still won't let Jason touch him. In the last few months, though, he's been allowing me to put him for short periods of time, sometimes even presenting when I would do it. For most of the vet visit yesterday, when he was up on the table, he spent most of the time with his head buried up against me. Now, when he sees me coming, he thumps and tries to hunch up in the corner.
I feel so awful, he was running around so joyfully through the weekend.
Trying to decide if I want to try to get some pedialyte into him (if I have some). Doing that might make him more upset, then he really won't be eating today. On the other hand, I don't know if he's had any water all night.