Cottontail kits

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NorthernAutumn wrote:
You may want to contact the wildlife rehabber in your area for further help :)

Well, I wouldn't be doing this if there was one near by. (even though I would still want to, I know that's probably what would be best for the bunnies). I've looked all over and the closest ones are several hours away. Our vet gave me some tips for the buns, and I asked if they knew of any rehabbers, but the one they possibly knew of told me they didn't take cottontails. Great. :biggrin2: So, unless I find someone, I'm working on weaning them. So far they're each eating just little pieces of hay and so far have done fine with it. I'm just trying not to rush it. I'll try to get some more pictures up soon-they are getting so big, I am so thrilled they seem to be doing well, and praying they continue to. One still always huddles in the opposite corner than all the others, which is what the one that was sick did for a long time before it died, but this one shows none of the other symtoms (being tiny, not eating,m shaking, feeling substantually cooler..) All I know is, the sooner I can get them on solids (hay etc.) the better as some are big (like 6 oz and ) otherwise, showing signs of being ready to go.
Several days back I lost another kit (Skittle) and am down to 6. However, everyone else is doing great. I believe I found my problem: no where I had gotten info from mentioned that they needed water along with they formula and the hay they had to nibble on. Two more were huddling in a corner after the 2 one had died. I added water and in 15 minutes, they were all hyperly running around everywhere.

Now, they are almost all the way weaned onto hay, and I'm very pleased wit the progress. Soon I'll add in grasses and plants from outside and then hopefully I can release them.

Here are some recent pictures:


So thrilled! Sorry about the loss of Skittles.

Kudos to you though for really figuring out what these bunnies need! Great Job!

Yes, sorry I've been a bit busy so I havne't gotten an update up-thanks for the reminder~ :)

The bunnies are doing well. Aside from still needing to be switched from hay to grass, they are ready to go. Totally. The other day one got out loose in the yard. I had them in a pen and one got out and it took soooooo much work and time to catch. I would have jsut let her go then and there but she wasn't fully on grass/plants etc.

Now all but the two smallest are about all the way off of forumla. I'm trying to give some grass everyday and hopfully in 4 days we'll be releasing. We'll see, that's the hope at least.
Well, they're not too tame, but tame enough I can hand feed them. With how wild and freaked of me the one became instantly when it got out, I'm thinking they'll do perfectly fine once released. Right now more than anything I'm just worried I'll rush the grass and end up upsetting their tummies.

And, I'm watching a dog right now for 2 weeks so I'm havign the hardest time keep him away from the bunnies. We were holding our bunny Taffy and let him sniff her and he literally tried to take a bite out of her. She was fine though and totally not worried by the ordeal, and he didn't hurt her because we immediately yanked him away. That was scary though..Now the buinnies are locked down the basement away from the dog, but he can smell them and he's kinda going crazy. I think he's a wire-haired dachshund mix.

Thanks for the link; I'll have to check into that~These bunnies seem to make the funniest, goofiest faces. lol
Dachshunds are prey driven. They were bred to hunt small animals so there is definitely no working on that. Hope the little fluff balls do great!!
Yeah, I knew that, but just didn't really think about the fact that he might be part dachshund.

Here's a picture (couldn't resist, he's too cute :)

I was hoping to release the bunnies in the morning, but frankly I"m at a loss for where to release them; I don't want to pick just anywhere because I need somewhere. I want the safest spot for them with the best food etc. Our one neighbor doesn't mind us releasing here in the yard, but the other made it clear they do not want them released here. (Garden and they don't like the cottontails we ALREADY have. :p ) I'm trying to think up a safe spot to let them go. Plus: I've been giving lots and lots of grass for greens but realized I havne't really tried other plants and stuff. Maybe I should try giving them some and make sure they can handle them?
Very sad day-I suppose I should update y'all.

This morning I went down stairs to check the bunnies and was horrified to find 3 of the 6 limp on the bottom of the cage. After a little while, I was slightly relieved to find one breathing-shallowly and only barely, but breathing.

I immediately called my neighbor up and we released the three that looked good. They all looked perfectly healthy and happy and energetic. I carried out the only who was barely breathing in my hand so I could at least keep my eye on him (Poor guy, the biggest, Cinnabon)

When I first found he was still alive, I gave a little bit of Benebac powder and some water (not much but some from a syringe) As the 3 bunnies hopped around in the grass, I laid the limp one who wasn't doing well down in the grass. After maybe 20 minutes, he shocked us all, and started slightly nibbling some grass and then eventually wobbleyly got up and hopped a little bit over to the others. They didn't just take off (any of them,) but we're keeping close eye on them. The ones I think most skittish were the ones that died. Now, 3 1/2 hours later, it looks 110% better! AMAZING!

However, now I come to find after keeping my eye on them, one of the "healthy" looking ones plopped over, tried rolling a little, and looks really really bad. We gave them all some benebac and water, and now gave them all a bit of Pedyialite. I've been out there with the one that doesn't look good for 1 1/2 and he doesn't look a bit better (just worse) I don't know what I can do for him. Poor lil' guy. I feel so badly. I don't know what went wrong. They had water in water bottle and dish. The dish had been tipped or something as it was empty this morning, but they all know how to use the water bottle. I don't know what's causing this or how or why the one was able to suddenly get better.

Prayers for them all would be greatly appriciated! Thanks~
Awe that's heartbreaking. Maybe they had an internal parasite you didn't know about? I hope the rest make it, but in the end you did all you could for them. :pray:

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