Cost Much?

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Ooooh, okay. I'd be too emotional to do that. Onthe anniversery of the previous homecoming, AND you wanted one thatlooked like Athena? I'd be an absolute mess.

At least you'll have time to turn those chicks of yours into fully trained attack chickens!


I'll be a mess that there is no doubt.We are getting 2 Light gray does( one is to be Dale's trucker bunny) aSteel Gray doe and I've always wanted a Black buck.

Jeremy is putting the chickens through their paces as I type lmbo.

mambo101 wrote:
I could have had this lionhead free of charge at the last rabbit show I went to.



I love the kid in that picture. He brings a smile to my face - Every Time!


This past year at my county fair we had adisabled boy win 3rd place with his single fryer(meat pen). Well, thisboy's parents bought him a moterized scooter as he has troubleswalking. With money he got from his 3rd place meat pen was going to gotowards paying his parents back for the scooter. Any left over money hewas going to give to his parents for his upcoming surgery. Soduring fair week there was an article in the paper about this child andhis intensions. So come livestock auction time this rabbit's final bidwas $7,500! It set a county record for the highest bid on rabbit meatpens (before it was like $4,500).The boy kept the rabbit andrecieved the full $7,500. :D
pamnock wrote:
What an awesome story!


I like that pic! Very cute! I wish I knew the end result to the story.All I remember is standing back watching the face on this boy as hisrabbit go sky high! The first bid was a $1.00 as there was aninside job between him and his advisor. His advisor told him he wasjust gonna get $1.00 for his rabbit. Well, with 3 secs it was up to$2,000. The whole bid took 1 minute and it just breath taking watchinghis face. Theres no words to really explain his expression. :D
That's an amazing story! Sometimes the generosity of people just takes me back.

My buns have really ranged in price. Elvis was free (someonedumped him), Lily was free (breeder just wanted a good home for her),Abby was free (adopted from someone who had to give her up), I paid $5for Orion and Daisy at 2 different reptile shows, $10 for Sage to covermy store's costs and Saphy to cover his breeder's costs, $30 for Basil(from a breeder w/papers) and $75 for Sampson (I can't believe I paidthat much for him, but he's worth every penny).

Tina: $45 each or together? We sell our bunnies for $25 or$30 a piece. They sell so quickly, I'm always amazed and Iput the people through so much to make sure they will get goodhomes. I think I must drive people nuts telling them how ithas to be (I really do this with all animals not just thebuns). Sometimes I amazed they don't complain to my boss.

Jen,That was $45 each:shock::shock:. Dale was not happy to say the least.

I wish more petstores were like yours. These peoplehad no clue. The one girl went as far as to tell me rabbits Cannot bebonded. I looked at her thinking she was joking. Nope. I told her Ihave a bonded pair of girls at home and these little ones look bondedto me. She turned and walked away. I hate lousy pet stores that giveout misinformation.

I have seen meat pens in ohio go for 1200dollars.Holland lops usually are the most expensive.but it reallydepends on the breeder and there reputation.Some sell for outrageousprices others have just as good of rabbits but sell for less.I bought aholland lop from Pam and he took second at the fair it was a huge classtoo, i was shocked since i only paid 35 dollars and did not expext toplace so high.The judge took forever to decide and said mine wasmoulting was the only reason he did not win.So if you need a good showrabbit for cheap, 4hers call Pam.bluebird
Rex was $35 at the pet store, Peanut was $10 at the shelter :shock:

'Course, they're both priceless now ;)
I am still on a quest for my rabbits (twodifferent breeders have now fallen through, as they lost litters....sothere may be more of a wait than I expected). I'm trying to get Englishlops, and so far the price range that I've seen goes around $35-$50 forpet quality, and $75-$100 for show quality. (And of course this is theinitial cost of the rabbit; for me there will also be the cost ofhaving them shipped, as there are no breeders in my area. So I'll belooking at probably around $100 or more for each rabbit :shock:, when Ido have some lined up.
My 'feeder' rabbits were $10.00 apiece. Planned on getting one, but I couldn't separate thesiblings...Can anyone say "SUCKER!!""
Kricket wrote:
My 'feeder' rabbits were $10.00 a piece. Plannedon getting one, but I couldn't separate the siblings...Can anyone say"SUCKER!!""

Wait a minute though - I'm the gal who went to get ONE Flemish Giantand wound up bringing home 1 Flemish Giant & 2 NetherlandDwarfs because I couldn't separate the two of them....

I guess I'm a sucker too...

My holland lop I got from a petshop was $40, Irescueda mini lop and she was $100(spay included though), andthen my netherland dwarf was free because I kept him from one of myprevious litters :D

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