Cost Much?

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I think it just depends on the rabbit's quality rather then just the breed. ;)

I know of a man that bought a Black Netherland Dwarf for $4,000 thatwas orginally from PA (I think!)and traveled out west.

If ya ask me, that rabbit better life forever, have medical insuranceand truely love the rabbit for that price!:love:Oh and itbetter be winning Best in Show every show, or at least produce kitsthat do win BIS quite often!

Just think what you could do with $4,000... LOL! Buying 2 pound rabbit wouldn't be on my list.

I'm glad you posted here -- now themystery of the email I gotis solved. I trashed the email thinking it was spam or avirus. You might consider the following whenemailing someone privately: 1. Put something in the subjectline 2. Clearly explain who youare 3.Don't use an x- rated email addy (Ithought your email was porn).

I delete anything that looks suspicious without even reading it:)

At one of the rabbit shows I was at last month,I heard some breeder say to another one " I paid 2 thousand for thisone." I can't remember what breed the rabbit was. I thought the guy waslying but after reading Pam's post, maybe not.
A New Zealand White sold at the Ohio StateConvention auction for approx. $5000 a few year ago. Createdquite a buzz!!!!!

Holland Lops are known forbeing one of the more expensivebreeds -- prices of $1000 are not unheard of, although niceHollandscan run in the price range of $200-$300.

W:shock:W. Dale freaked when I told himI spent $45 a piece for Misty and Stormy. I'm going to show him thisand he'll feel awhole lot better ;).

That is a lot for pet store rabbits- the onlyones that expensive around here are lionheads. But Misty and Stormy aredefinately worth it!
I could have had this lionhead free of charge at the last rabbit show I went to.



mambo101 wrote:
I could have had this lionhead free of charge at the last rabbit show I went to.


OhI'm SO JEALOUS! What a beautiful lionhead. Whydidn't you take it? Of course, it helps that I'm starting tobreed lioheads.
At the National Lionhead convention lastmonth they had an auction - I think there were 10 or 12 or so lionheadsdonated for the auction. The top lionhead went for $600 and Ithought that was a lot when I heard it. If I remember right -the lionhead was a descendant of FireBear who is a well-known lionheadamong breeders.
When I start sellinglionheads, I'm going to price them around $50 for pet quality and $100and up for show quality - but that is in line for the San Antonio area- and it is fairly reasonable. Of course, my two mentors livein the San Antonio area also.....but at least people will have achoice!
dajeti2 wrote:
W:shock:W. Dale freaked when I told him I spent $45a piece for Misty and Stormy. I'm going to show him this and he'll feelawhole lot better ;).


OUCH! My dwarfs were $10 each from the breeder - but theywere only pet quality and she knew it and said that was her price.

Funny thing - that day they were $10 - now theyare justabout priceless to me.

TinysMom wrote:
mambo101 wrote:
I could havehad this lionhead free of charge at the last rabbit show I went to.


OhI'm SO JEALOUS! What a beautiful lionhead. Whydidn't you take it? Of course, it helps that I'm starting tobreed lioheads.
At the National Lionhead convention lastmonth they had an auction - I think there were 10 or 12 or so lionheadsdonated for the auction. The top lionhead went for $600 and Ithought that was a lot when I heard it. If I remember right -the lionhead was a descendant of FireBear who is a well-known lionheadamong breeders.
When I start sellinglionheads, I'm going to price them around $50 for pet quality and $100and up for show quality - but that is in line for the San Antonio area- and it is fairly reasonable. Of course, my two mentors livein the San Antonio area also.....but at least people will have achoice!
I didn't take it because Stephie was still alive at thetime and there was just no way I could handlethe time andexpense of three rabbits.:?
geez.. my two were $70 *each* from apet store.. i thought all bunnies were expensive until i went to asmaller family owned type place :p oh them no matter whatthey cost :D
mambo101 wrote:
Ididn't take it because Stephie was still alive at the time and therewas just no way I could handlethe time and expense of threerabbits.:?

I understand that. He looks almost exactly like my SnowBearwho is a such a little lover.....but since he's a teddy-bear typelionhead - he isn't showable. Yet, I'm going to use him formy pet line because his temperment is so awesome!

Dale was n't a bit mad that I rescuedthe Nibblets, only that I had to pay so much. No papers no nothing. Butthere are indeed priceless to me.

i'm going to a show in April to meet Wollo's breeder and pickup the new kids. Lord, help me if they have free bunnies:shock:.

It wil be the 2 year anniversary of theday we brought Athena and Apollo home. So it's sentimental. It will beemotional for all three of us.

I'm thinking of installing an alarm system to deterany Bunnynappers. Plus I have chickens and am not afraid to use them.Beware :shock::shock:


I would have to say that Holland Lops are on ofthe more expensive breeds that I have noticed. I have neverseen a rabbit priced very high around here at our shows. Themost I have paid for a holland was 100, origonally 200 but I boughtdoes for him from the breeder. I then bought a Holland with 7legs from a breeder for ONLY 70.00 at my last show, he then won himselfan 8th leg. Pet Stores are always soo much money, Isell my pets for about 15.00.

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