Well-Known Member
In my rabbit's normal mix, I have noticed that there are small peicesof corn in there. Before now, I didn't really notice, since it wasn'tharming him and he seemed to like it. Recently, I switched from a mixto a only pellet mix because I ran out of his previous mix. I was goingto go and buy it again soon, as it had things in there that he lovedand he really enjoyed it, but I recently read on the internet not tofeed corn to your rabbit. Is this true? It's only little corn cernals,not a full corn, but I don't want to harm my rabbit.
Also, is it safe to feed them small peices of peanuts? They were alsoin Ollie's mix, and they're just about the only treat he will take frommy hand.
Rach & Ollz.
EDIT: One more question ... Ollie won't eat more than a mouthful or twoof hay ... Instead, I have to pick him grass from the backyard and givethat to him, as it's the only bulk he will eat. How can I get him toeat his hay?
In my rabbit's normal mix, I have noticed that there are small peicesof corn in there. Before now, I didn't really notice, since it wasn'tharming him and he seemed to like it. Recently, I switched from a mixto a only pellet mix because I ran out of his previous mix. I was goingto go and buy it again soon, as it had things in there that he lovedand he really enjoyed it, but I recently read on the internet not tofeed corn to your rabbit. Is this true? It's only little corn cernals,not a full corn, but I don't want to harm my rabbit.
Also, is it safe to feed them small peices of peanuts? They were alsoin Ollie's mix, and they're just about the only treat he will take frommy hand.
Rach & Ollz.
EDIT: One more question ... Ollie won't eat more than a mouthful or twoof hay ... Instead, I have to pick him grass from the backyard and givethat to him, as it's the only bulk he will eat. How can I get him toeat his hay?