Hmm... it sounds like Frosty is getting to the age of spaying, she is about 3 and she has only had 7 kits, 5 of which are alive and well. She's only had 2 litters.
I'm considering doing therapy rabbits with my older, more docile and affectionate rabbits. As for non-therapy rabbits, I'm thinking of maybe starting a project if I get into breeding rabbits.
Maybe talk some of the local breeders into visiting schools with me and my buns to talk about rabbits, rabbit care, breeding, ect. And perhaps start a rabbit 4-H club, when I'm old enough and if I have my own rabbitry, of course!
As for a rabbit for my mom, I'm trying to decide between NDs, Holland Lops, and Dwarf Hotots. She likes all of them, but I'm not sure wich one would be best.
She isn't looking to breed them, she just wants something little, that stays little.