contemplating getting another bun

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
Hi Everyone,

My family and I went to a local shelter to meet a new bunnytoday. Her name is Mary Ann, and she's a 5 month old who wasabandoned....someone found her in their yard and took her to theshelter. She seems to be healthy, and was quiteinquisitive and friendly....albeit a bit frightened....which isunderstandable, to say the least! We already have twobuns....Whiskers, who's an almost 3 year old male, and Pumpkin, who's a6 + year old female. We're kind of hoping that if we get her,she'll be a bud for Whiskers. Pumpkin is DEFINITELYa solitary bunny.....but Whiskers is much friendlier with otherbunnies. When we visited with her, I checked her bum, whichwas very clean, and her teeth, which seemed to be aligned well....notcompletely perfectly oriented ( a bit off center when tops and bottomsare together), but otherwise looked good. My son noticed thatshe opened her mouth some when we were holding her. Is thatok? She is NOT a biter, which is wonderful, and didn't chewon things when we watched her as she hopped around the visitingroom. My son sat on the floor, and she put her little pawsright up on him, and gave him a good sniffing! I know this isREALLY long, but I'm concerned about getting another bun, and wouldappreciate any advice from "y'all." She's a real sweetie, andmy son and I, who are the main bunny caregivers (and bunnylovers), really fell in love with her. Thanks for listeningand for your thoughts. BTW, space in our home is my mainconcern.....we live in a 3 bedroom Cape, my husband, our 2sons, our 2 rabbits, and our hamster. Our daughter, a collegesenior, is an occasional visitor! Thanks again....Grace
I wanted to add the link to the shelter, so you could check out her pic, if you'd like to.
Hi Grace, she's a beautiful Bunny.

I'd say go for it , we have 4 bunnies two are bonded and the other twoare solitary, (until I can get Haley's Mr Tumnus here for ourDaisy Mae).

If I could I'd have many more bunnies but since our house doesn't haveany more bedrooms to house the babies in I'll have to wait to get more.

Good luck with your decision.


She's an adorable bunny! It would begreat if you could give her a forever home, it sounds like she'd have awonderful life with you. As long as you have room for anextra cage just in case she doesn't bond with Whiskers, I say go forit. Good luck and let us know what you decide!
We spoke with the shelter where Mary Annis. Their vet is going to check her. then we can check backwith them. Here's hoping that she is ok.....we'd really liketo get her, but we don't want to bring her in to our other buns if sheisn't well. Thanks for all of your encouragement.
She is gorgeous! I hope you are able to bring her home, it sounds like shes had it pretty rough so far in life.

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