Perry, my easy going, laid backmale bunny is making a nest!!! Honestly, he islikea rabbit possessed. At first, I wasn't too bothered, ashe has collected hay and straw before and piled it into a corner, butthis time he is pulling fur as well :shock:. He has taken it from theinside top of his front legs and his chest and is carrying it aroundwith him, along with a bunch of straw, and won't let me anywhere nearit.
Should I be worried? I have to admit, he looks so cute, but he has thismanic look on his face like his life depends on him making anest! Pernod, my fiesty female bunny is lookingat him like he is crazy. Any ideas?? :rollseyes:
Should I be worried? I have to admit, he looks so cute, but he has thismanic look on his face like his life depends on him making anest! Pernod, my fiesty female bunny is lookingat him like he is crazy. Any ideas?? :rollseyes: