Well-Known Member
Thank you for bumping up this reminder Carolyn, as I have a very difficult time reading the color fonts.
I also never noticed it before... you can do lots of thingson here it seems I just didn't realize...
too bad they don't have a nice pink color
I am highly guilty of that, but can't help it, often I don't think about it.Along with black font, it also helps if posters break uptheir post into paragraphs, instead of one long, run-onentry. I will sometimes avoid reading such a postbecauseit is too difficultto figure out what theperson was trying to say.
I agree completely ...... and would add that it doesn't hurt to bump the size of the letters up one font size.DarkRed, Blue,Navy,andGreenare all fine for me to read. Ithelps if they are bolded also. I agree with you on the others and Iwould probably skip right over a post that had those colors. They aretoo hard to read and too bright.
I am looking into this procedurefor my son in the next couple of years. He only has one badeye that is really severe enough to have it done. I hope wecan...... without glasses he's legally blind in it. We didn'teven know he had poor eyesight when we found out!!! It iscorrected and he has 20/20 now (with glasses) but I would like to findout options for him in the future.Today I consider myself to have good eye sight....
Had the Lasik procedure 4 yrs ago... I went from nearcompletely blind to having "perfect" 20/30 vision... and I'm only25!