Collar and Leash?

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Like I said, I'd get a figure-h harness. Placessuch as PetSmart and PetCo carry them. They're easy to get into, andsecure. You could use it indoors or outdoors. If I were you, I'd rabbitproof one room of the house for him, in case you don't feel likeholding the leash the whole time. It's really not THAT hard, sometimesit just takes a little thinking.
Jess_sully wrote:
If I were you, I'd rabbit proof one room of the house forhim, in case you don't feel like holding the leash the whole time. It'sreally not THAT hard, sometimes it just takes a little thinking.

A kitchen or a bathroom with a gate across the door.

I started using NIC grids to set up kind of a temporary perimeter inthe den. I only make it one grid high so it's more of a deterant, but Ican usually get to the bunniebefore they can get over thebarrier and into trouble. They're NEVER left unattended. It keeps themfrom (or at least slows them down from) munching on wires, books,tapes, furniture, etc.

When they get their new room it will be completely b-proofed before we move them in.
Well with the number of rabbits that Jim has, they need their own room. ;)
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
Well with the number of rabbits that Jim has, they needtheir own room. ;)
They have their own room now. It use to be the extra/guest room.
But, it's too small since we got Tootsie. Tootsie takes up the areawhere the ex-pen use to be, which is about half of the bunnie-room.
Jess_sully wrote:
They're getting their own room? :D And you saaaay you're nota bunny lover. When's this room going to be completed?

You bet yourblue binkies!!! The blasted bunnies are being banished to the basement!!!!
Actually the basement is one of the nicest rooms in the house. It willbe twice the size of the room they now have. The half of the basementthey're getting is finished with paneling, drop ceiling w/recessedlighting, carpet, heat, AC, wood-burning stove, cable tv, PCw/internet, phone, etc....and they can have use of the BBQ and thepool, too. Don't worry, be happy @ "Club Bun"!
As soon as the basement is cleared, we'll start moving the buns.There's not too much left to move, so it won't be long. I'm alreadyputting together the starts of the NIC add-ons. Still need to buypegboard and tiles, but have everything else I need.
I'll try and find these harnesses, but im in the UK so we don't have Petco etc

It's going to be very hard to make a room for him that is safe. Thedining room has my mums computer in and also an understairs cupboardwith no door which would be unsafe. Kitchen has the cat flap and theirfood in so thats off (its also linked to the dining room and has nodoor). My room has computer in and lots of bits and pieces (i have alotof furniture and stuff!). Bathroom has loads of holes and stuff in thecorners and floorboard etc. I live in a victorian house so its allpretty old. The only place i can think of is the landing, but thatskinda in the way of anyone wo wants the loo?

It would be so much easier if it was a new house because things wouldbe finished off nicely. Because its Victorian things are starting tofall apart..

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