Coki, SillyBunny, CaliBunny, Thumper, Roxxi and Cherry

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MyBunnyBoys wrote:

You know, just the other day I said that I was becoming suspicious ofall new members. I started to doubt that I was doing the right thingbut this post confirms that I was right to be suspicious.

It's gotten to the point that I skip over new member posts not onlybecause I'm suspicious but because this forum moves so fast. I don'twant to bother wasting my time on posts that are trolls.

I know it's probably not the nicest thing to do but I can't help it really.

Laura, I thought that I was the only one doing this. I hateto be so suspicious, but my time really is at a premium right now and Idon't have time for silly games and insincerity.

I love my little "family" here and try to focus on the posts by coremembers that I recognize as I'm "hopping" in and out.

Thanks again, Sunshine, for the link in the archives! :dude:

I completely understand why people feel the way they do. Can't say Ienjoy dealing with it either. Believe me, there are times when I'd liketo walk away too.

I used to feel sorry for the trolls, but I don't anymore. They suck the energy out of people that mean well.

Very sad. I wonder where the parents are if this person is young?

What is the purpose of coming here? She's had 2 rabbits die, shedoesn't have one now, her "neighbor" had a rabbit and it died.........

Uhhhhhh..... ????

I think someone just wants to get people upset and then sit back andwatch..... for what I don't know? it seems pretty lame and pathetic ifyou think about it.....
It's probably a 36 year old man with no life whopretends to be little girls for kicks... It usually is silly childrenor sad people with no lives who do these kinds of things... at leastthat's my experience with it. :X
oh man that person sounds like my cousin! by thatPM that Carolyn got from her.. but i know its not my cousin because shewould tell me if it was her, and she doesnt like animals!

i dont get why you have to make a new screen name everytime you rpetdies.. you could just put in your sig. for ex. "RIP Missey 10-25-04"somthing like that.

like i dont like my screen name now, but im not gonna change it, itswas just me not thinking before hand like always! lol and to make 6 newnames?! WOOOOW! :shock: someone got a little bored! lol
Delphinum wrote:
It's probably a 36 year old man with no life who pretends tobe little girls for kicks... It usually is silly children or sad peoplewith no lives who do these kinds of things... at least that's myexperience with it. :X
Exactly! Or teenagersthat are being stupid.....
Cinnabun, I dont like my screen name either! Not that I'm going to change it....

I figure it's just a kid who almost doesn't know better. Almost I say.
thats true! but like that person even used thenall! i told my brother about that person and he was like "Wow! that kidhas no life!" but my brother is just mean like that! lol
Stephanie wrote:
Cinnabun, I dont like my screen name either! Not that I'm going to change it....
Me either, cause mine makes me seem like a guy. :p

Oh well..... it's my name here now..... so it'll stay.

MyBunnyBoys wrote:

You know, just the other day I said that I was becoming suspicious ofall new members. I started to doubt that I was doing the right thingbut this post confirms that I was right to be suspicious.

You're not alone there! I quite often go back and read old posts andtry and find out as much information as I can about a particular topic,anyway as I went back and some as recent as 3 weeks ago I seem to think"I wonder if that's the same person but different name".

Anyway, people who do this make it harder for the people who aregenuine.(I find myself sometimes thinking" are they who they say thereare")
I really appreciate that people take the time to read and answer myquestions or comments, and I know I haven't been here for that long butI am enjoying being here and it really gets on my goat that people dothis stupid stuff.

This forum seems to be based on honesty and a whole lot of trust! Andif the people who have done this somehow get back here again, knowthis.... You are DISHONEST therefore no one TRUSTS you!
I too have started just skimming andpicking. I don't mean to exclude anyone that is genuine but Iwould have to be here all day and just read to keep up witheveryone. I usually pop in and out through out the day whenthings get slow at work so I have to pick and choose. Once Iget home I seldom come in except on the weekends I may pop inmore. I'm so busy with the kids and house when I'mhome I just can't.

I think most everyone here has a life outside of this forum and many ofus have kids (not counting the buns we all love as our kids), spouces,homes to care for, etc and our time is valuable. It is ashame that we had to waste precious time on idiots who apparently haveLOTS of time to do nothing better.

ariel wrote:
This forum seems to be based on honesty and a whole lot of trust! Andif the people who have done this somehow get back here again, knowthis.... You are DISHONEST therefore no one TRUSTS you!


So true.

Some folks think they can be slick and say/do things behind others'backs, but I'm here to tell ya, the truth always comes out in theend.?? Between Big Brother watching and people?talking amongstthemselves, people are smarter than you think.?

Those that get a twing when they're reading what I just said, Yes, I mean you too.?

I will not elaborate, so don't ask.?

* * * *


Quite right about having a life - kids or not, this forum isn't #1 inany of the people's lives who I've gotten to know on a more personallevel.?


I have read all of this page and I as a newmember will always be honest. I have questions that can notalways be answered by a vet or all the books in theworld.Thats why I use this forum. Ihavecertainly experienced people like this girl / guy where Ireside. We have no time for people like you. Youhave to look at how pathetic your actions are, what type of friends doyou have when acting like this,what type of job can yougetwiththese actions, I being 23 say whattype of respectable person would want to date you/ marryyou,you might say "I don't know you,I'mjust having fun". Let me tell you its not just me that cantell what type of life you have ahead of yourself. Take a step back andthink of ways to improveyour life, such as do yourFriends not respect you, do people enable these actions ofyours?Youmight feel good doing this for asecond but life is so short. Go to school ,respectyour elders, it starts with you makinggoodchoices.Then what your trying to achieve here(attention) well be coming fromso manypeople. Its will be respectfor yourself that wellmake your life better and good things will starthappening.I may give you this advice but do notthink I care about you. The things you wrote are immature andat a much lower level.


P.S. Everyone,I amavery niceperson and you willnever here me talk inthis mannerto any of you:D
I want to know how in the world these trolls canget into the forum under so many different aliases????Stephanie hasn't been able to access the forum under her own ID (exceptfor once), let alone our household entering under numerous names!


Poor Stephanie!

I've been wondering why she hasn't been on. We started having so much fun.

Have her email me, Pam, and tell me what happens when she can't get in. Have her let me know what error she's getting.


dr_peter_kraz wrote:
I have read all of this page and I as a new member willalways be honest. I have questions that can not always beanswered by a vet or all the books in theworld.Thats why I use this forum. Ihavecertainly experienced people like this girl / guy where Ireside. We have no time for people like you. Youhave to look at how pathetic your actions are, what type of friends doyou have when acting like this,what type of job can yougetwiththese actions, I being 23 say whattype of respectable person would want to date you/ marryyou,you might say "I don't know you,I'mjust having fun". Let me tell you its not just me that cantell what type of life you have ahead of yourself. Take a step back andthink of ways to improveyour life, such as do yourFriends not respect you, do people enable these actions ofyours?Youmight feel good doing this for asecond but life is so short. Go to school ,respectyour elders, it starts with you makinggoodchoices.Then what your trying to achieve here(attention) well be coming fromso manypeople. Its will be respectfor yourself that wellmake your life better and good things will starthappening.I may give you this advice but do notthink I care about you. The things you wrote are immature andat a much lower level.


P.S. Everyone,I amavery niceperson and you willnever here me talk inthis mannerto any of you:D
You got the ticket. I have made more friends on this forum than I everthought possible. And it was done by being completely honest.

I've always held one value above many.....I respect everybody until they give me reason not to.


I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
oh my gosh. please dont tell me that!!

Carolyn wrote:
Thumper is my second bunny who frozened while we were at Disneyland.....
That was actually said by one of the trolls. I would venture to say that it probably did not happen.

If it did happen I'm not sure I would want to know these trolls anyway.What kind of person would go to Disneyland and leave there bunnies outin the cold with no one to care for them?

Can you say "pathetic"?
