Okay, back from taking Hobbes to the vet...I asked about Teeny and brought some of his freshest poops for examination.
I told the vet Teeny's age, the situation, how long it's been since they were playing together (him and his siblings), and showed her his poops...and she said that honestly, she really doesn't think he has it.
One thing to keep in mind: if Teeny contracted it, at his age (just over two months), the symptoms would've presented. They would've presented in the Mini's, too, since they're just a month older. And NO symptoms are present at all.
The vet said we COULD treat everybun with Sulmet if it would make us more comfortable, but she's absolutely convinced he doesn't have a problem, just in LOOKING at his poops. She said it would have been REALLY obvious by now if he'd gotten it.
So, I'm going back and forth on the idea of whether or not to treat them, as like Pam has said, and Danny and I have been talking about...ANY introduction of antibiotics has the potential to disrupt regular bacteria growth/population. Why disrupt that if there is a large chance there ISN'T a problem with our buns?
In your case, okiron, it's obvious with Chubbs that he needed the meds and definitely has coccidiosis. In our case, the vet and I are just not seeing it...and personally, I'd rather not take the chance.
I'm going to be observing them REALLY closely...so not like I'm letting this go. And if symptoms don't present in a couple weeks here, it'll be quite obvious Teeny didn't wind up contracting it.
I think in Chubbs case, he was under stress from entering a new environment twice in one night, and his low weight and being the runt led to his immune system being weaker than Lilith and Teeny's...and that's why he wound up with a problem. Him being in a home with others DURING his coccidia blow-out warrants you needing to treat ALL the buns there.
So, there ya go. If something presents, I'll update things. Otherwise, it's clear that in my case, and in my household, there isn't a problem.
Hugs everyone!
P.S. If anyone disagrees, feel free to post and let me know, ok? Hugs!