I find Carolyn's post about trimming nails explains how to it it.. I hope it helps.
Nails: Main thing is attitude. You must be in Control. Take theattitude of "Alpha Rabbit". Trimming their nails is an essentialpart of their healthcare.
With one hand, support the back and neck of the rabbit, with the other,secure the bottom of the rabbit support its heart and in between it'sfront paws. Pick the rabbit up and cradle it in your arms as you woulda baby. Personally, I find that as long as I secure my rabbit's earsdeep into my elbow and elevate his back feet just a bit, the morecontrol I have over him remaining still. At first, take a tiny bit,just the tip, off of the nail. Having someone help by shining aflashlight up into the nail will help tremendously in spottingthe quick (where the blood starts). It's recommended that first youtrim just the tip of the nail, and then go back a day or twolater and trim a bit more because the quick falls back when thenail is trimmed.
Best to have some corn starch or baby powder on hand should you hit the quick.
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P.S. Yes, you can see where the rabbit's nail needs to beclipped. The best way is to shine a flashlight up to see where thedarkness starts. Of course, darker rabbits are harder to tell where thequick begins than lighter ones. I'd suggest you get someone to help youwith the flashlight as you try to trim the rabbit's nails. Trim alittle one day, and then go back after the quick has retreated in a dayor two. You're doing these rabbit's a great service and relieving themof further health problems and a lot of pain.