I feed all of the romaine and I've never had any problems.... although I do think that the buns prefer the big green leafy leaves, lol...
I can relate to the younger bunny getting veg for the first time thing. I remember when we first got Mouse and Chalk, at 8 weeks old, I hadn't found this forum yet, and I had done tons of research, but you know how the internet is, such conflicting information everywhere. I'd read that it was ok to give such and such veg, and gave them a little bit of brocoli each. Mouse had terrible diarrea and I was so scared. I called some vets helpline (we'd had them for literally a day so hadn't registered with a vets yet) who told me to watch her and keep her hydrated. She was ok within a few hours but I was terrified. Needless to say they didn't get any veg for a good few weeks longer!
I'm sorry you had such a horrible experience Bijou :hug:
I personally wouldn't feed iceberg lettuce either- it has no nurtitional content, too much water, and I can get romaine or cos very easily for my buns so there's no need to go there. I personally hate it myself to eat so I never buy it anyway lol! But saying that, I am sure that as they are so well adjusted to vegetables, and lettuce as well, that it wouldn't overly harm my buns if they were to eat a piece at all (now that they are all grown up and handle veg very well). I wont be doing it, because I have no need to try lol
Anyway, where there is a will there is a way with a bunny, and Dotty stole a piece of orange peel yesterday from Steve while he was in the office.... She gobbled it down whole apparently!! It was only a little piece... but she loved it lol... Oh dear, what has he done?! :shock: