Cleaning the Hutch?

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
once every week, I thoroughly clean out thehutch, give it a good scrub, just like you are meant to. But I know youare meant to clean it out everyday. I do go in and pick up as many oftheir poops as possible, but there is no way I even get close tocleaning the hutch properly. They poop everywhere!!!

Am I doing this write, or should I be cleaning more?:?
do you go in every other day and just try and lift some poop out? Not stripping it or anything, just trying to clean some?
i dont go in every other day and two use their litter box most of the time.. once a week igo in there and sweep up the mess outside of their litterbox.. and ichange their litterbox once a week... how old did you say your two are?i think their litterbox habbits will get better as they getolder..peapoo's litterbox habits used to be aweful until about a monthago:).. we've had her 7months, so she's about 8 or 9 months old
they are 14 1/2 weeks. They are getting a bitbetter at litter training. They tend to pee in the litter boxes,although there are 4 of them!!!. They poop a lot in the boxes but thenalso everywhere else that they fell like it. So I go in and pick up asmany as possible(as many as I can see easily). and put them in thelitterboxes.
I have a rubber glove so I just clean the spotwhere Pepsi goes to the bathroom every night and dump out Pebbles literbox (It's newspaper, so if I left it for more then a day I'd need a gasmask). I clean the whole cage maybe every two weeks? (Just to changethe bedding to make sure it's not old and full of fur ect.) I can'thave any smell because they live inside and my mom says as soon as shesmells them they're going outside.

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