Cirrustwi's Bunny Journal

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My sweet Daisy girl: We love you and miss you sovery much. We find comfort in knowing that you are with Buckand that he will watch over you until we see you again.

Mommy, Sage, Basil, Elvis, Orion, Saffy, Sampson, Lily, Abby, Dillon, Anissa, Delilah and Corky.

Cedric is home! We just got in aboutan hour ago. He's just beautiful and such asweetie. I was chinned immediately. I'm going toget some photos, but it will probably be tomorrow, I'm exhaustedtonight. I've so very happy with him.

He was also joined in the car by the 5 little girlie rats I rescuedthis weekend. They are just the friendliest girls.They need names, so I'm looking for any suggestions.

Wow, chinned already?? Sounds like Shawn better watch out....:shock:

Congrats and I can't wait to see more pics of him and hear about his adventures!
Ok, pictures are coming this week. Mycamera did a disappearing act (I honestly panicked and thought the dogsate it for awhile), but I found it and so pictures will be taken assoon as the critter room isn't a disgrace (I'm moving stuffaround). Hopefully I'll be done with everything tomorrow orTuesday and can get some photos up.

Lena is the newest acquisition. She was raffled off at theWashington County Rabbit Show today. Amazingly, I wonher. I've honestly never won anything. She's abeautiful English Spot.

Oh Jen wow you won a bun. I saw herpics how could you let her go if you don't decide on keeping her. Ithink there is a reason why you won this precious bun. I think thatwhen you placed your ticket in her box Daisy made sure thatsomeone picked your ticket out cause she knows that you are hurting andmissing her too much. Jen you should try and keep this precious bun andyou will realize why.
Angel: I kind of felt the same way, like Daisyhad finally given me a sign so I could move on. I've beenspending time withher and she has the same spunk and attitudeDaisy had. And when you hold her, she has to bury her head inthe crook of your elbow just like Daisy did.

cirrustwi wrote:
Lena is the newest acquisition. She was raffledoff at the Washington County Rabbit Show today. Amazingly, Iwon her. I've honestly never won anything. She's abeautiful English Spot.


Sounds like Daisy could've had a part in this little beauty coming to you as well.

I'm glad you're getting signs. You've been on my mind.

She is really settling in nicelytonight. During her play time, I left the room. Shewas having her play time in the hall and Basil was in the critterroom. They were separated by a gate. When I cameback upstairs, they were both cozied up next to each other through thegate. I really think Daisy is having a hand in thisgirl. She's whispering in her ear that she needs to get Basiland Abby back together.

Thank you my sweet baby girl for helping this new girl to settle into my heart and theirs.

Awwwwwwwwww I am so glad that things are workingout for you Jen along with her. Hopefully it will work out with Abbyand Basil. Sounds like she had fun.
Thank you NS.

Jen I sorta have a bad news. DJ is def allergic to bunnies of any kind.So I think I am going ot see if someone would not mind taking care ofhim for 3 months until we move into our new home by the first week ofdec. Once we move in and I get the cages set up in the garage we willtake him back to see if it works out with him. As soon as MeatHeadcomes out of the cage to play around in the bed room DJ's allergiesstarts when he is rubbing against him. I really don't know what to do.He was allergic to Abby and Thumper and it bothers him when he is inthe room with them. But he is in our bedroom right now and that is theonly choice I have.

Jen can you see if someone would not mind watching him and caring forus until we move and we will give them some money once we pick him upfor taking care of him for few mos. This is the last thing I wanted todo right now and I am so sick about it. I think that MeatHead will beour last bun ever unless something else happens later on down the road.
Ok, first, photos are coming soon! I promise, this week.

Next, my Angora finally has a name, well, he has for about a weeknow. He is Reese (r-E-s not like the candy bar).

Now, I just had to share this story, because it's too cute. Ithink most everyone knows I have rats and they live in the critter roomwith my buns and ferrets. Well, what could have been adisaster was really a great story. When I was away lastnight, 3 of my rats escaped. When I came home tonight, I setabout capturing them. I captured Bruce and Will very quickly,but Harry is always more aloof. He sat and watched meintently while I sat on the floor with a treat calling his name, butwhen I would go for him, he ran back under the furniture he was pokingout from. Finally, I gave up and left. I decided ifthey were going to visit the ferrets and have a problem or any of mygirl rats, it would have happened by then. (Thankfully, Idon't think they could have reached the ferret cage and the girl ratsare above their cage, so they never thought to go visit them andreproduce -- at least I'm praying not -- and the buns must not havecared about their presence.) I had to go back in one moretime to try to get him, I stood there and he wandered out and stood byBasil's cage and stuck his head in and drank from her waterbottle. She just looked at him, like, ok, you canshare. I was laughing so hard. I know that rodentscan be a problem, but I also know that since these guys are my pets,they are healthy.

As for the rats, Bruce has a scratch on his head, probably from one ofthe humane traps they set off, but are too big to fit in, as they aredesigned to catch any mice who might try to take upresidence. But everyone else is just fine. AndHarry won't be sharing any more water as he is now safely back underlock down!


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