I wanted to give an update on Becky because everyone here has been so wonderfully supportive. I continiued gentle massage and I'm dosing everybun in the house with ivomec once every 3 months as a preventative so nobun else will have to deal with EC *knock on wood* Becky is gaining weight and looking like her old self again, so I'm pretty sure she is in full remission at this point.
ray: :eats: :nurse:
I have been working on bonding all 6 buns and having them play together in their playpen. She would get tilted and dizzy, so I tried scooting her out so when the boys got to running in circles after each other they wouldn't run over her (literally!). She got so mad! She bit and scratched at the door wanting back in with the rest of the buns, so I let her back in. She doesn't want to get left out of anything! She even got a few nips in herself when Panda was being a little too assertive (he declared himself king of the warren). My baby boo can take care of herself even if momma does get a little over protective.
:dude: :duel :group:
The past two nights she has been really cute and rambunctious when I went in to play with her. She will nose bonk me then run a few steps away and look over her shoulder. I give her a tickle then she comes hopping back for another nose bonk. I got the slinky out and she also likes to grab the end as she hopps away and let it go before she turns around to see it snap back. She plays with such joy!
:juggle :trio :sofa:
I got bold and picked her up. I was able to snuggle her for two minutes with no dizzyness! I didn't press my luck and put her back down, but each night I will be giving it a try to see how the damage is healing. I am so greatful that she is feeling better!
Thanks again to all of the supporters out there. It has been a long haul with her being sick since I got her late 2010, and particularly this last bout. It is all worth it to see her fat and happy again!
:bunnydance: :bunnyheart :rabbithop :bunny18 :happyrabbit: :happybunny: