Well-Known Member
Cinnabunny is very pretty
Since she recovered from her weakness- when is she going to get a partner?:love:
Since she recovered from her weakness- when is she going to get a partner?:love:
My dog is totally into my buns ^^ she plays with them all the time. I dont think you need to spay her..Girls usually dont need it. Its often not even recommended because its a more dangerous surgery.We will be moving into our new home in July so definitely not now. Right now the bunny and my cockatiel, Smudge, have started to become friends. Not the same as a bunny pair but it's pretty cute.
Smudge has taken to sitting on the NIC border of the play area and sometimes ventures into the pen. He particularily likes the litter box! So far Cinnabunny has just watched him. Smudge hisses when she gets to close.
So, for now, we'll keep the number of animals down. I also worry about the spay cost (my vet charges almost $300!) for Cinnabunny and then the cost of another one if I were to get a second rabbit. Another worry - would Cinnabunny stop being so cuddly and lovey? She has really become a lap bunny. If she had a friend then she wouldn't need us!
So, for now, we'll keep the number of animals down. I also worry about the spay cost (my vet charges almost $300!) for Cinnabunny and then the cost of another one if I were to get a second rabbit. Another worry - would Cinnabunny stop being so cuddly and lovey? She has really become a lap bunny. If she had a friend then she wouldn't need us!
Umh, I wouldnt exactly call it wise. I mean it's her own choice and I'm sure she's a very good bunny mom. Fact is just that rabbits are very social animals that live in groups. So if a bun is living alone its not the best. There have even been scientific researches about that subject matter. Some (of course not all) buns even develop weird habits or agressions due to living alone. I just think Cinnabuny should know about this.I think you are wise to only have one rabbit at this point. Good Choice, Sis! Aaron and Zachary are learning so much about loving and caring for this little life. One extremely loved bun is right for you, despite what anyone says. It makes it much easier during hurricane season as well, in the case of a quick evacuation. More hotels are willing to take you in with one rabbit (bird, hamster) than even more pets.![]()