Choking rabbit

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2019
Reaction score
United States
Hello it’s been a while I know
So today my rabbit choked on pellets again for the 2nd time. I posted about rabbit choking a while back this will be my second. So she got to excited for pellets and started choking and drooling and running away I couldn’t help her! Last time after she choked she was fine and happy this time she acting off she breathing faster and makes a weird face like she’s trying to get something out. Will she be okay till I can get her into the vet this Monday ! ? They are booked I’m worried!
I wouldn't wait til Monday. Preferably tonight if you have a knowledgeable rabbit vet you can get her into, tomorrow at the latest. She could have aspirated some of the saliva and pellets into her lungs. If she did then there's a high likelihood of her developing aspiration pneumonia, which can quickly become fatal. If you can get her into the vet tonight, that is what I would do. And I would want her put on a rabbit safe antibiotic and anti inflammatory. Then closely monitor her the next few days for noisy breathing, mouth breathing, or any other signs of respiratory problems. As well as keeping a close eye on eating and drinking.
I wouldn't wait til Monday. Preferably tonight if you have a knowledgeable rabbit vet you can get her into, tomorrow at the latest. She could have aspirated some of the saliva and pellets into her lungs. If she did then there's a high likelihood of her developing aspiration pneumonia, which can quickly become fatal. If you can get her into the vet tonight, that is what I would do. And I would want her put on a rabbit safe antibiotic and anti inflammatory. Then closely monitor her the next few days for noisy breathing, mouth breathing, or any other signs of respiratory problems. As well as keeping a close eye on eating and drinking.
Hi JBun,
I called vets around they are booked I’m worried as you said she might have aspirated something. I do have baytril left over from my other buns last vet visit? Can I use that till they have an opening sooner? I will be calling again tomorrow to see if anything opened up. She is eating just fine goes crazy for everything still (food).
If you are still concerned about how she is doing by morning and feel you need to get her in because she is acting abnormally, having any breathing issues, or has stopped eating, you need to tell them that she choked the day before, that you believe she may have aspirated fluids into her lungs, and that you believe this is an emergency. If they still won't get you in, you could request they ask the vet about you going ahead and starting that baytril until they can get you in. If she stops eating, that also needs addressing.... Or try and find a different rabbit vet that you could go to.

If she is doing fine by morning and you aren't seeing any signs of breathing issues or abnormal behavior, I would at the very least keep a very close eye for several days, for any sign of abnormal noisy breathing, mouth breathing, or abnormal head movements that could indicate a problem with the throat or breathing. Also lack of appetite can signal there is a problem.

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