Chippy's got a lump (benign cystic teratoma.....extra ingrown mammary gland)

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:(sorry that it"s back again
:grumpy: *****old cyst
I guess that you'll have to go back the vet
Sorry things are hard for you and Chippy :(..............
Thank you.....

Chippy is doing okay.

She active and alert. Her appetite is good. She's pooping and peeing. She does her little dances when I feed her. She runs and binkies endlessly during her free time.
She even looks good, too....shiny eyes, nice coat, nice body tone, good weight (5 lbs !!!).

She's acting as if nothing is bothering her...unless I mess with the lump.

I check it at least once a day. It may be my imagination, but it seems to have gotten a bit larger. It's firm, but "floats".
It may be filled with fluid, but it feels different than the first time.

No question about where I'll take her if I need to.....Dr. Cattiny is the only one I'll take her to.
The ride is only about 15-20 minutes longer, and I'll see if I can call ahead to avoid a long wait.

No may have gotten a little bit bigger.

I'll call the vet tomorrow and see what he suggests. I'm sure he'll want to see her ..... and maybe aspirate it again.

Chippy is acting fine.
(They're alla bit ticked off because I cleaned cages and pens today)
Gosh Jim....that lump'sa bugger.....but it's good that she'sacting ok in herself would be good if that lump would just go away and stay away!

I'm keeping Chippy in my thoughts

Sorry to hear that Chippy's lump is recurring.

Since you are a very experienced bunny slave, any way the vet could teach you to re-aspirate it if it recurs again? Definitely something worth asking about. I know our vets (both bunn & cat) will teach us things that don't require their expertise. I'm always nervous the first time I have to do a new "procedure"...but it turns out for the best because the animal doesn't have to make that trip to the vet.

Looking forward to your latest news. Paying and dancing for you & Chippy!

~Mary Ellen
Bunnicula wrote:
Since you are a very experienced bunny slave, any way the vet could teach you to re-aspirate it if it recurs again?


I get queasy just thinking about it.....'re talking to a guy with a major needle phobia...:scared:
JimD wrote:
Bunnicula wrote:
Since you are a very experienced bunny slave, any way the vet could teach you to re-aspirate it if it recurs again?

I get queasy just thinking about it.....'re talking to a guy with a major needle phobia...:scared:
I don't like needles either, but they don't bother me nearly as much when I'm on the non-pointy end! How about your wife, could/would she be able to do it?
gentle giants wrote:
How about your wife, could/would she be able to do it?

MrsD is worse than me about needles...on either end of 'em. :nope:....can't blame her.

I think the best thing to do, would be to take her back to Dr C.
Especially if a sample needs to be sent to the lab.
He sent it out last time as a precaution, but felt that it would turn out it did.

The lump feels more solid now...not as fluid/squishy as it did last time.
She let's me check it long as I don't try to hold/manipulate her to do so.
I think she understands, in a way, that I'm acting in her best interest.

If it's turned into an abscess, I'd prefer she be at the vet. They're an ultra-full service facility...24/7 care on site, complete surgery, pharmacy, laser, ultrasound, digital x-ray, shelter/adopt/foster, boarding, etc ...all-in-all a wonderful guy.

Chippy is okay...less active...drinking less and eating less. She's obviously more uncomfortable than usual, but so are all of the other buns.....I think its the heat.
They're also not overly impressed with the last batch of hay I got....."Push it into a pile in the corner and pee on it....he'll get the message. K!!!" :grumpy:

I also need to make sure I pay attention to all of the otherbuns.
It's easy to get wrapped up in the issues of onebun, and not notice anotherbun in trouble.

I can't believe that it's only been 2 weeks since we were last at the vet.
It seems like months!

I'm calling Dr.C in the morning, and we'll be going in as soon as we can. (most likely sometime early next week***crosses paws***)

Chippy is doing ok.
I'm amazed that she's acting so good...but feeling that's a good sign, too.

Besides the lump, she's acting normal....even up to doing her little dances at feeding time.

But, the lump is getting gradually larger....
Even MrsD mentioned that she noticed it was getting bigger.
And we both agree that Chippy needs to see the vet again.

Chippy sends nose-wiggles, ear-twitches, & kisses to ALL!



Things have remained pretty much the same over the last few days.

However, last night I noticed Chippy's hocks had started to develop sores....always a sign that something else is amiss.
She's not eating as much as usual, but neither are the rest of the buns. I think it's the rise in temperature that's affecting their appetite.
She's also not as active during runtime.
And she acts uncomfortable.

I think I've also found a second lump under the first one. It kind of feels attached to the first one, but it's hard to tell.

Dr.C has been out, but will be back tomorrow. He's the only vet in his practice that treats rabbits. He's got a full schedule, but I may be able to get her in on Thursday... (plus, I have a dentist appt tomorrow....for me :( 6pm.......panic attack at 5:03pm :panic:)

It's so like Chippy....

I just went down to change litter pans...
...and there's Chippy running around with her little blankie on her head.

I laughed until I cried :laugh:....

...and cried :tears2:
Oh no, I don't like the sound of a second lump :(. I hope you can get an appointment on Thursday. At least she hasn't lost her sense of humour - silly bun!

I'll be thinking of you both - good luck at the Dentist :bunnynurse:


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