Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.
She's eating, drinking, pooping and peeing normally.
Last night she ran the Bunny 500 and did nonstop binkies for a couple of hours....wore me out just watching her.
I haven't talked to DrC yet, but I'm sure he'll see her tomorrow or the next day.
And I'm sure he'll be as dismayed as I am.
We were both so pleased with the the way the surgery seemed to resolve the problem.
The lump is really soft and squishy this time. Each time it's been different.
It seemed to form in less than a week, and got large quickly.
This will be the third time it's formed.
She behaves very well at the vet's, but I know it's a lot of stress on her.
She doesn't like the ride, or the carrier either.
She's a strong little bunny, and is otherwise in good condition.
But, she's not a youngster...4+ years.
I'm worried .....well, just worried.