Chippy's got a lump (benign cystic teratoma.....extra ingrown mammary gland)

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JimD wrote:
I realized there was something amiss when Tootsie crawled into my lap and did kind of a DBF, and then nudged me for pets....she's never done this before.
She kept looking a Chippy.
I think she's trying to comfort me, and let me know she's there for me.
She's so attentive of the other matronly.
Oh no.....Jim please keep us updated.

Am I correct that this is the third time its shown up? Or the fourth?

I'll be praying and sending lots of good thoughts your way..

Oh No. I can't believe it, when she was doing so well too :(. Bless Tootsie, looking out for her pals.

I wonder what this darn thing is, when it just keeps coming back, no matter what. I bet the Dr is pretty upset too. Is Chippy her usual self, still?

Keeping you in my prayers.

Im so sorry to hear this, Jim. Especially when she has been doing so well.

Was the vet sure it was a cyst and not an abscess?
Oh geez not again.:(

FYI, a coworker at my last job had a similar problem on his leg. For some reason he gets sterile cysts in the same spot. The doctors drain it and sometimes put in a drain to keep the fluids from building up and eventually it goes away for a while.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.

She's eating, drinking, pooping and peeing normally.
Last night she ran the Bunny 500 and did nonstop binkies for a couple of hours....wore me out just watching her.

I haven't talked to DrC yet, but I'm sure he'll see her tomorrow or the next day.
And I'm sure he'll be as dismayed as I am.
We were both so pleased with the the way the surgery seemed to resolve the problem.

The lump is really soft and squishy this time. Each time it's been different.
It seemed to form in less than a week, and got large quickly.
This will be the third time it's formed.

She behaves very well at the vet's, but I know it's a lot of stress on her.
She doesn't like the ride, or the carrier either.
She's a strong little bunny, and is otherwise in good condition.
But, she's not a youngster...4+ years.
I'm worried .....well, just worried.
DrC isn't in today.....unless it's an emergency.
We're not at emergency status.

They said we could bring her in tomorrow, but we would most likely have to wait until DrC could squeeze us in.
They remembered Chippy from the last time and agreed that the wait might be too stressful for her.
So we're going in on Friday and they're going to see her after regular office 1:45pm...which is actually during DrC's surgery hours.

She's still acting normal..... despite the lump.
If she starts to go downhill before then, I'm supposed call anytime 24/7 and they'll have me come right in.....even if it's the middle of the night.
Now, how many vets do that?? DrC is the bestest!!!

You are super great rabbit dad, Jim, and I have to say that I realize the kind of stress that this creates in a person.
I'm really sorry that you have to go through all of this....

and Chippy too....
Chippy is doing okay.

She had a really good runtime last night....2 hours of the Binky 500.
Tootsie got the other half of the room, and seemed to be quite entertained by the little white blur of a bun.

I keep checking to see if the lump has magicaly dissappeared...but it's still there.
I don't think it's gotten any bigger, and it's still soft & squishy....not hard like last time.
Chippy had her vet visit today.
She was a very good girl.

As hot as it was today....98F....she did really well with the ride there and back.
We had to wait about an hour in the office, too.
She seemed more relaxed and was curious about the other animals....she kept poking her nose out of the carrier.

I took a couple of small water bottles that I had frozen, and put them in socks (like heated rice). One on each side of her while in the carrier and in the exam room helped to keep her cooled down.

DrC did another large needle aspiration.
It was clear fluid again. No indication of abscess or infection.
No charge for the visit.
I'll have to donate something to his shelter. "Mr. Mugg" (my pocket change cup) has about $20 that I'll give them on my next visit.

We go back in a week for a follow-up.

The consensus is that this is a benign sterile cyst of some sort that will probably become a chronic condition, and it will most likely reform and need to be drained on an ongoing basis.

JimD wrote:
Chippy had her vet visit today.
She was a very good girl.

DrC did another large needle aspiration.
It was clear fluid again. No indication of abscess or infection.
No charge for the visit.
I'll have to donate something to his shelter. "Mr. Mugg" (my pocket change cup) has about $20 that I'll give them on my next visit.
Good girl, Chippy!

Admittedly, I'm stuck on the fact that you weren't charged anything. I'm charged for the bazillion-and-one vet visits that I've made (mostly for Zoe)....And every-other visit is charged as a first-time visit (meaning a higher price), even if it's for the same issue as usual (digestive-related). :(
if they can drain the cyst periodically and not do surgery ..that's doesn't seem too bad.
All I can say is it could be worse. ....although all of this is really stressful for both Chippy and you, Jim :hug:
JimD wrote:
We go back in a week for a follow-up.

The consensus is that this is a benign sterile cyst of some sort that will probably become a chronic condition, and it will most likely reform and need to be drained on an ongoing basis.



... it's back already.

we've got the first vet appointment on saturday.... 8am.

it's soft and squishy,....but it's starting to take up more and more of her chest area.

i'm going to discuss the possibilty of putting in some kind of drain.
it would need to be covered by some sort of collar....

i'm thinking that something mentioned by one of our members might be doable....


***thank you Djakartafor posting about the collar.

and, thank you Haleyfor starting a "thread in progress" about the collar. ***

i tried to put the link in, but it wouldn't let me... :?


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