Crud!! My turn to lose my post. :grumpy:
Anyway, :yes:
Chippy isa good girl!
I do think it was a gut imbalance leading to Cecal Dysbiosis, which can come from a diet change, including self-imposed diet changes. Maybe she was 'off her food' with the arrival of the new bunny, and that started a domino effect.
The treatment sounds good, although some experts would advise against the pineapple -- adding sugar to the situation is fuel for the fire. The key is fiber, fiber and more fiber. (Hay, pumpkin and water).
The probiotics have beensomewhat disputed, but thescalesare tipping in their favour lately, I've beenconvinced. I wouldn't wait for the Bene-Bac, any health food store and a lot of pharmacies and grocers sell Acidophus or something like it. If she's had yogurt recently with no ill effects, go for it, but according to our best expert, Pam Nock, bunnies as they age are more likely to become lactose intolerent, so that may possibly cause an upset tummy.
Tough call on that one. :?
Giive her a big fat kiss and a whole bunch of nose pats for me!

sas :bunnydance: