Chippy - GI issues

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Bo B Bunny wrote:
My bunnies always have cold ears.... is that unusual?

I'm so glad Chippy is doing so well :)

Pen, so did Ang.

So, when Randy asked me on the phone and I felt them (ears), they weren't really off from what I normally felt them. But, geez, they can go down in an hour, and it's so scary, the temp. She had to be in shock at that point, but cool ears alone, she always had those:?.

IMO, you can't go on feel of the ears, especially if they are normally, already cool feeling. A rectal thermometer would be needed then. I need to learn how to insert those as well;). I've seen it done on my first bunny, BunBun, who hated to be handled. The vet got his rectal temp with the thermometer. He had him up on a shelf, lifted the tail, and inserted the therm at an even level. Not sure beyond that point, but haha, the things we should learn:shock:;).

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
My bunnies always have cold ears.... is that unusual?

Pen, so did Ang.

So, when Randy asked me on the phone and I felt them (ears), they weren't really off from what I normally felt them. But, geez, they can go down in an hour, and it's so scary, the temp. She had to be in shock at that point, but cool ears alone, she always had those:?.

IMO, you can't go on feel of the ears, especially if they are normally, already cool feeling. A rectal thermometer would be needed then.

All of my buns ears range, and change, between cool and warm.
It's when there's a sudden drastic change to very Hot or very Cold, and used in conjunction with other observations, that it could be helpful.
I agree that the most accurate measurment should be done with a digital rectal termometer.

I found this on the San Diego HRS site:

"Rabbits regulate body temperature by their ears. Very cold or hot ears could indicate a fever or a drop in body temperature. This, coupled with other warning signs could warrant a trip to the vet."

Kind of like when Mom would feel or kiss our foreheads to see if we might have a temp.

When Chippy was so very sick a while back, she was pooping green soup.....a rectal termometer didn't sound like a good idea at that point :shock:. That symptom alone warranted a vet visit.
Her ears were colder that they had ever been...ICY cold.

Started out the day great!!!!
Chippy, the wonder bun, must have done a dozen binkies while I was dishing up her breakfast!!
She even binkied when I filled her water dish and then ran over and took a loooooong drink.
She's back to her ol' self!


Thanks to everyone for their suggestions, support, concern, and just for being a bunch of bunnie-huggers!!! You da best! :bunnydance:
What a relief! Isn't it great to see those binkies after they've been under the weather???

Speaking of which, yeah, don't you just LOVE living in the northeast? Are you guys supposed to get another blast this weekend, Jim? We're forecast for 3-6 inches of snow on Saturday night, then sleet and freezing rain, then back to more snow.

Chippy, Whiskers sends a great big AMEN to your statement on handling. "What is wrong with you humans??? Which part of 'don't pick me up' do you not comprehend??? I thoroughly disapprove!"

Thanks Rosie and p&wsmom!!

Only one out of 8 of my buns will let you pick them up.....that would be Brindle.
You could probably stand her on her head and she'd be happy. :biggrin2:
JimD wrote:
Started out the day great!!!!
Chippy, the wonder bun, must have done a dozen binkies while I was dishing up her breakfast!!
She even binkied when I filled her water dish and then ran over and took a loooooong drink.
She's back to her ol' self!
Aww i can just imagine her doing that adorable :)

I'm glad that little missChippy is back to her Chippy little self :D


Chippy's GI issues are an ongoing battle.
I've neglected to post a lot of it on the open forum, but thought I should update things so the information can be seen by everyone.

She was doing okay until last Saturday....

Posted: Sat Jan 26th, 2008 12:49 PM
Chippy is not feeling well. She's got some runny poops, and is having "accidents" all over her pen. She looks a little "rough", so I'm going to keep a close eye on her. She's eating, drinking, peeing......but the runny poops are a major concern. My poor baby :(

Posted: Sat Jan 26th, 2008 02:05 PM
I just checked on Chippy and she's not looking too good.
This always happens on the weekend when the vets are going to be closed!
I think I've got the things I need if it gets worse, and there's an emergency vet available ($$$$cha-ching).
Could be a long night....not the first & probably not the last.

Posted: Sun Jan 27th, 2008 03:08 PM
Chippy is doing better!!.
This is likely going to be a forever chronic issue with her. I can't help getting concerned when she has a flare-up, though.

Posted: Mon Jan 28th, 2008 09:31 AM
Chippy looked and acted normal this morning, but she still had some runny poops during the night that I cleaned up this morning :(

Posted: Wed Jan 30th, 2008 07:21 AM
I just checked on them and Chippy had pooped a big pile of soft/mushy/smelly poops in her pen:(
Gave herwater and fresh feed...hay cubes, too.
Shemunched on breakfast...especially the oatsies.
And she passed the "Cheerio Test".
Praying for empty bowls and full litter pans when I get home.

Posted: Wed Jan 30th, 2008 05:03 PM
I went into a state of panic earlier, because someone told me that my vet no longer worked at the Banfield Pet Hospital.
I got on the phone with the corporate office of Banfield and they told me that that practice had been sold.


"BY WHO?"...says I.

"Dr. Frezzo"...says they.

That's my vet....SHE BOUGHT THE PRACTICE!!!!! YIPEEE!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 30th, 2008 08:54 PM
Spent the last hour cleaning up Chippy's pen.
Lots of soft/runny/mushy/smelly poops.:(

This is getting to be very stressing for me....and her, too. :(
I worry all day about her when I should be home taking care of her.
But, it seems like it's a never ending issue.

I can tell that she's uncomfortable...and maybe a bit stressed, too. She nipped me.... twice. :(
I'm sure she's picking up on my feelings.
I'm going to try to calm myself a little and then go feed & water the buns.
I think I'll spend a little quality time with her and try to reassure her that I'm going to take care of her.

I think Chippy is starting to show some signs of being dehydrated....and that's all it takes for a downward spiral.
I'm going to ask Dr. Frezzo to show me how to administer sub-q...and see if she'll supply me with the necessary stuff.
I wish I had done it sooner.

Off to feed the buns and pray for an uneventful night.

Today - Thur Jan 31st 2008
Chippy still is not doing the best.

She only ate half of her pellets from last night....and I've noticed that she's picking out the alfalfa ones and leaving the rest.
I've been sprinkling a few alfalfa pelletsin for the other buns too, and I'm wondering if that's why they've started to leave some pellets uneaten.....maybe the alfalfa ones are more filling?

It looks like she may have eaten all of her hay cubes...this is good. I couldn't find any leftover pieces and I gave her a couple of new cubes.

She didn't drink much water since last night , but I filled her bowl pretty late.
She passed a couple of very large poops, and she hadpeed as well.
She turned her nose up at breakfast, but when I checked later she had eaten all of her oats and some pellets.
I gave her a handful of hay and she went right at it, and was still munching on it when I left for work.

She nipped me twice when I tried to feel her tummy, so I know she's feeling uncomfortable.:(

Hi Jim,

Maybe we can get Chippy and our Miracle together....nevera dull moment. If you have a high end supermarket near you.....I bet some fresh mint would make her belly feel a lot better. We only have one market around here that carries it and the fresh plant is not the cheapest greens in the world...but it is worth every penny.

And another suggestion....see if she will eat a very small piece of orange (no peel...just the inside fruit part). Maybe just a couple of bite sized pieces....don't overdo it as you already know.

ra7751 wrote:
Hi Jim,

Maybe we can get Chippy and our Miracle together....nevera dull moment. If you have a high end supermarket near you.....I bet some fresh mint would make her belly feel a lot better. We only have one market around here that carries it and the fresh plant is not the cheapest greens in the world...but it is worth every penny.

And another suggestion....see if she will eat a very small piece of orange (no peel...just the inside fruit part). Maybe just a couple of bite sized pieces....don't overdo it as you already know.


Hi Randy!

I think our Farmers Market sells fresh mint.....that's where I buy my other fresh herbs.
(I'll have to plant some with the dandelions this year!;))

With the orange.... it's the vitamin C/ascorbic acidthat's beneficial, right?
I'm going to pick up an orange along with the mint.

I also found that papaya has a high content of vitamin C....higher than oranges.
I've been giving her a few small pieces every night and I wonder if she's benefiting any from it. I'm thinking not.....especially from what is currently going on. :?I'd probably have to give her a larger portion to get any benefits.
I haven't been giving it to her for the vitamin C, though. I coat a few pieces with acidophilus in an effort to keep her gut somewhat stable.'ve been doing your homework. I think you have a really tight handle on how to deal with this. As far as's just something different to temp them. Something that is better than acidophilus is a bacterial strain known as Lactobacillus Casei. It is easy to obtain in a product called Bene-Bac. Might be worth a try. Keep up the good work!!

Thanks Randy!

Tonight I gave her just plain papaya...about double what I usually due.
No acidophilus, though.

I've got a pack of Bene-bac one-shots stashedin my "Bunnie Box";)
Any advice on dosage?
Chippy's about 4+ lbs.

I'm not sure about how much a gram would be.
I'll look at the pack in the morning and post back if I've got questions.

She really enjoyed runtime and ran around until she wore herself out, and then she preened and flopped for quite a bit.

She's really chowing down the hay, too!:)

I think she'll be okay.
The main focusis more of a maintenance program....and I guess that's whatthis thread is mainly about.

It's been a long day and has left me with a sense that this will all turn out okay.

I more than appreciate all of the input in hopes that it will offer some guidance and reassurance to other memebers that may experience something similar.

Time for me to get to bed, so I can be there for my charges tomorrow!!

Ah, the joy of chronic GI issues. Jim, last time Fey had problems, Pam recommended I give Nutrical because of the Vitamin E in it. Apparently it works well for soothing those crazy hotot intestines. It worked, or at least that's when Fey started improving.

I'm glad she's feeling better!
Another dwarf hotot mom here facing the same chronic condition. Luckily, from the time I cut down the veggies and pellets, giving, thus, the opportunity to my bunny to eat far more hay per day, keeps us trouble-free till now, as far as GI stasis is concerned. Of course I'm constantly over his litter-box for any sign of "strings of pearl". However, if I feed just a little bit more greens (a piece or two), I see a couple of brown diarrhea drops. Then I remove the veggies completely for 1-2 days and it's over. Well, this is how it goes with hotot intestines...

Chippy seem to be doing better today.

She ate most of her pellets, drank a good amount of water, and ate bunches of hay.
Her poops are back to what is considered almost normal for her.

She gotalmost 2hours of runtime lastnight before she had completely exhausted herself and flopped.

She also loves the idea of getting extra papaya for breakfast and dinner!
That's great news! Such a relief! I do feel for you, I've been there...Give Chippy a kiss from me!


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