If you got her at 2 months she was still a baby and babies are never territorial so she is getting older now and now needs to mark it. Some rabbits become hormonal at 3,5 months, some later, latest I personally know was 8 months old, it depends on an individual rabbit, also breed and other factors like if you have another pet or maybe you leave your scent on those handles and she feels need to mark them again. My Smokey re-chin everything after I clean her place with vinegar.

She's very territorial, she's 1 year and a half now and not spayed. Other girl Bernie is 2 years next week and she never chins. But she'd mark a new rug with many many berries. All rabbits are different and also they can change when growing, changing their character and habits.
Honestly I am a bit confused now I saw your Instagram and thought there was stated that it's a boy, I was surprised since name Diva I'd expect a girl, and now you say that it's a girl so I am lost now