Well-Known Member
My daughter is kept very busy because ofhomeschooling, but her father and I still expect her to help quite abit with chores and such. Everyday she has to walk her 6 year oldcousin to the elementary school, walk home, and then in the afternoonpick her up. (We live right by the school, and can see the steps to theparking lot from our backyard, so we know she's safe.... we also have a"walkie-talkie" system so she can talk to me and vice versa while theyare walking to and from school). She also has to spray down and watermy husband's extensive reptile collection. She has to check on anyreptile eggs incubating, and let us know if any new babies have hatchedout. She's also responsible for cleaning her room (which is currently apig-sty and wont get paid her allowance if it's not clean). She alsohelps me feed, water, and care for all my babies in my "rodent room".We pay her $10 a week for all this, which we feel is more then enoughfor a 9 year old, but we look at it as an incentive, not a "given". Wetell her that she would be helping us with these things anyways, evenif we didnt pay her allowance, but we pay her allowance because she isextremely responsible. We have decided that she must put half the moneyinto her bank account, and half can be kept as spending money, butshe's actually quite a good little penny-pincher.