Sorry it took so long, i had to go down the road to feed the horses.
Here's a picture of the feeder and waterer. The waterer is on the left,
the feeder on the right. The waterer is a simple contraption,
when it gets low, it fills itself, it's hollow in the center to
hold the water and the top comes off to refill. They'll
kick shavings and poop in the trough so clean it often.
The feeder needs to be hung by the ceiling and have them
have unlimited access to it. Some ration their birds,
but, it's too much of a hassle. Don't be afraid to hang
it too high, they'll soil it with poop and bedding it
should be as high as their heads can reach stretched out easily:
Here's a picture of the brood boxes.
They should be at least that high off the ground, w
ith two rows, and rails leading into each row, so they can
fly onto the rail and then easily get into the box. Make
sure that you do not put the boxes up so high they
cannot reach it, remember, the longest achicken has ever
flown is thirteen seconds, They need help to get up into high places.
Make the bottom rail wide, and the top rail about 1/5
of the bottom rail. Make the bottom boards in the boxes
removable, eggs WILL break, and WILL need to be cleaned
out(i LOVE how you can see Briar in the background,
peering out, i just hooked up that fence panel so he could see
out, he's been
trying to escape into the outdoor chicken lot):
Here's a picture that you can see deeper into the boxes
(lol, never mind the plastic baggie in the brood box,
since we haven't had chickens since last summer, i've stashed stuff
in them, lol!):
Hope this helps!