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Sorry it took so long, i had to go down the road to feed the horses.

Here's a picture of the feeder and waterer. The waterer is on the left,

the feeder on the right. The waterer is a simple contraption,

when it gets low, it fills itself, it's hollow in the center to

hold the water and the top comes off to refill. They'll

kick shavings and poop in the trough so clean it often.

The feeder needs to be hung by the ceiling and have them

have unlimited access to it. Some ration their birds,

but, it's too much of a hassle. Don't be afraid to hang

it too high, they'll soil it with poop and bedding it

should be as high as their heads can reach stretched out easily:


Here's a picture of the brood boxes.

They should be at least that high off the ground, w

ith two rows, and rails leading into each row, so they can

fly onto the rail and then easily get into the box. Make

sure that you do not put the boxes up so high they

cannot reach it, remember, the longest achicken has ever

flown is thirteen seconds, They need help to get up into high places.

Make the bottom rail wide, and the top rail about 1/5

of the bottom rail. Make the bottom boards in the boxes

removable, eggs WILL break, and WILL need to be cleaned

out(i LOVE how you can see Briar in the background,

peering out, i just hooked up that fence panel so he could see

out, he's been trying to escape into the outdoor chicken lot):


Here's a picture that you can see deeper into the boxes

(lol, never mind the plastic baggie in the brood box,

since we haven't had chickens since last summer, i've stashed stuff

in them, lol!):


Hope this helps!


Ellie, you are the Best. I'm going toprint these pages off and bring them with me. That way I have them torefer to when I am buying the feeed, feeder, waterer etc. Plus when Igo to Home Depot I get and idea of what all I need to get.

I am so grateful really. Thank you very very much. Oh and the Chickens will be singing your praises.;)

Tomorrow (hopefully, if the U of I has some available)

we will be getting twelve Illini Reds. They are wonderful layers,

although, i wish i could have some Bantams, they're adorable! I

could make a list of a million different poultry types i'd want! I

believe we may be getting ducks too.

Dajeti-make sure to put the waterer up on bricks, they'll

soil the water if it's too low. Make it so they can reach it with thier

necks stretched out. They put their heads in the air to swallow anyway

, 'cause they don't have lips, it's the only way they can swallow, it'll

be more sanitary and will help them drink.

DUCKYS?! LOL.. i had ducks.. we were gonna getthem this year too but i got cinnamen.. but yah know.... my mom and iwill be able to get duckys again! LOL.. i want a turkey! LOL
Bramble Briar86 wrote:

Here's a picture of Queen, she's a Hereford:



OK I HATE cows....but I think that cow is so gorgeous! I have neverseen such a nice looking cow! All of the cows I have seen are dirty andugly! But that cow is so clean and nice looking! Wow :D

Ellie, Thank you. I printedthese pages for refernce lol. Yup, hubby is getting me some Muscovybabies early summer-ish. I was telling Carolyn when she called, I havethe beginnings for my own petting zoo lol.

I have my heart set on getting some Silkies one day. That and Ifound something called a Jersey Giant:shock:It's likeBirdzilla. Those things are Huge. I want one but I'm a bitscared.

ayglnu13 wrote:

[/quote]OK I HATE cows....but I think that cow is so gorgeous! I havenever seen such a nice looking cow! All of the cows I have seen aredirty and ugly! But that cow is so clean and nice looking! Wow :D



lol, thank you. Baths, baths, baths! When i got her she was a stinky,wild, muddy, cockel burr infested butt-munch(lol)! But, now, she's mylovely, tame, ridable, angel.....awww

Yay!!! My mom just left a clip on our answeringmahcine....we got the chicks!!!! YES! I was so excited to get more thati already set up the feeder and waterer!!!! HAHA, hopefull i'll getback in time from riding my NEW horse, Penny, to be here!

I outgrew Acorn, last summer, my long legs make me look like i cantouch the ground! Oh, well. They're going to free-lease Acorn out to anice family in Springfield so they can have more barn space.

Penny is a pure-bred Trakehner mare. Yah! I'm SO excited to get to rideher for the first time! She's such a sweet mare, i've never really paidattention to her before.
