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I'm so glad you want to keep her.Chickens are so entertaining and relaxing to watch. My friendwas over tonight and picked up one and let it roost on hisarm. This 30+ year old guy was cooing and talking to thechick and petting it for the longest. I love having mine --they try to answer you when you talk to them and come whencalled. I've even heard of a chicken taught to ride a toybike.

So, are you going to name her?:angel:
Jenniblu wrote:
I'm so glad you want to keep her. Chickens are soentertaining and relaxing to watch. My friend was overtonight and picked up one and let it roost on his arm. This30+ year old guy was cooing and talking to the chick and petting it forthe longest. I love having mine -- they try to answer youwhen you talk to them and come when called. I've even heardof a chicken taught to ride a toy bike.

So, are you going to name her?:angel:
Please! I'm TRYING NOT to get attatched!...Her name is "Peepers":D
Hopefully chickens will count as "small caged animals" and be acceptedin my duplex.However, I heard someone ringing a cowbell and then saying "Dinner!" around the area where I foundher.She might havewandered off their property andgotten lostIf she is to be used for eggs, then her real owneris probably a better one, but it is a gamble, because maybe she isn'tlost...maybe she escaped slaughter :/. I'll probably try to find thepossible chicken keeper and ask.
I would take good care of it, and am enchanted that she seems to beimprinting on me..I didn't know chickens could be like this!

Last night she was peeping like wild, so I opened her cage door andwent a few feet away to watch TV. She sort of flew (more like a jumpingflutter!) to the couch and wouldn't stop trying to burrow her head intomy hair until I laid my hand over her back and head--Amazing! She fellstraight to sleep! When I lifted my hands "Peepeeepeeeep!" Afterresting my hands on her again, she stretched out her little neck sothat her head stoped under my chin and slept! Perhaps she's yearningfor her mother to sit on her again. So cute :)
Prizm wrote:
Hopefully chickens will count as "small caged animals" andbe accepted in my duplex.
You could always say it's a rare show bird.:p A lot offolks have never seen a chicken up close. I refer to mychicks as 'girls' or 'birds' while they are outside. Ifigured by the time they start clucking, I can start giving outeggs. I can keep chickens where I live, but some people lookdown on chickens and anyone that keeps them.

I would take good care of it, and am enchanted that she seems tobe imprinting on me..I didn't know chickens could be like this!
Aren't they sweet?:4hearts:

That's a great website! Thanks!
Yeah, my neighbor even snubbs my wabbits :/ (Her littlel poodles are such YAPPY things though! lol)
I figured by the time they start clucking, I can start giving outeggs. I can keep chickens where I live, but some people lookdown on chickens and anyone that keeps them
She will start clucking at some point then? Right now, shesings and makes a peepeepeeep sound, but she's about 10 inches long(not a fuzzy chickling) And, just out of curiosity, do chicken eggsneed to be refrigerated? (Lol, chicken eggs come from a store--not achicken. ;)
I can't believe your neighbor snubbs yourrabbit!:X I'll never understand how some pets are seemed okayby society and others are looked down on like rabbits, rats, mice,etc. I think as long as the animal is well-kept and cleanedup after then it's all good. Oh well.

Darn! One of my neighbors commented on my chickens - he saidthey were nice looking chicks and asked me what kind theywere. I was hoping to continue the masquerade of having'birds' and not chickens. Yeah they will start clucking andcackling (usually after laying an egg), but how much and how loudvaries with each bird. I think most of mine will be prettyquiet when they start clucking cause they peep quietly now, well exceptfor the blondish/black runt. She likes to whine and tattle onthe others all the time but she is a cutie.

Ellie (Briar&Bramble) raises chickens and had helped me so muchwith a bunch of chicken questions. She told me they willstart to cluck between 2 and 4 months if I remembercorrectly. They will start to lay eggs at around 4.5 to 6months depending on the breed. Right now mine are 5 weeks oldand kinda make a 'twee twee' sound, but they are standard sized chicksso they are huge lol.

Well, I hope you get to keep your 'rare bird.' How aboutthese for names in case someone asks what kind of bird you have- Malaysian Walking Bird,Amazonian non-CrestedForest Quail, Ecuadorian Wood Thrush

Malaysian Walking Bird,Amazonian non-Crested Forest Quail, Ecuadorian Wood Thrush <---LOL!

Check it out! Piccies!


I went out and bought some batteries for my digi cam :) What do you think? Banty?..Welsome? (someone said it might be a Welsome)

It looks like an aracauna,probably a hen.Mydaughter has this breed they are medium size chickens and lay beautifulcolored eggs.they are kept for theireggs.bluebird
bluebird wrote:
It looks like an aracauna,probably a hen.My daughter hasthis breed they are medium size chickens and lay beautiful coloredeggs.they are kept for theireggs.bluebird

It would be cool if it was an Easter Egg Araucana. It kindalooks like a Welsummer too. Then again, I'm new to chickensand their different breeds.

I'm no expert with chicken ages, but mine are feathered outlike that at around 4-5 weeks old.

Prizm wrote:
Anyway, she's eating and "peeping" up a storm, lol.

My little Coco LOVED corn. When my mom would make corn on thecob, I would save her half of my cob and she would go crazy overit. ;) I even stopped putting butter on my cornbecause of her. I think I lost about 10 pounds in the time wehad her ;)

P.S. We did refrigerate the eggs.

Did you mention that you named her yet?

Looks like a Sexlink, best egg laying chickensgoing , good shells , usuallynice and hard , chickens usuallylay eggs starting about16 to 18 weeks , andthe first few eggs aretinythings kinda neat looking, they make the best pickledeggs too lol .

lol btw Prizm , theres a rulein theanimal world ,You name it you have to keep it lol.I hada Turkey named Gimpy , gavehim that name after i accidently steppedon his little foot whenhe was a baby , I feltso guilty that hecouldnt walk goodthat I would carry him toand from the feeder , frominside to outside , nakae surehe got to his waterer, silly thing used torideon my arm like a parrot , thenhe got big and I wasstill feeling sorry for him ,and would lug ( litteraly ) himaround he graduated frommy arm to my shoulder ,everyone used to tease me aboutwalking around with a 30lb turkey on my shoulder , andI would have to explain why heneeded to be carriedlike that Till one day .

My Hubby had to feed and waterthe birds as I was busydoing something else , and outof the corner of my eyeI spy Gimpy runningfull tilt for the feeder:shock:, I stood upand yelled thefoolish bords name and knowwhat he did ? dasmn thingstopped dead in it tracks looked atme and started GIMPING :X I looked at himand said uh nahBusted my friend yourfree rides over . and theysay Turkeys arestupid ya huh surethey are.
OMG!!! That is hands down the funniest turkeystory ever! :laugh: I can just imagine you carrying around abig ol' turkey like it was a baby. Poor spoiledGimpy.
That's halarious!!!!! Devious little gimper!!! ...Uh oh, I have to keep her now, huh? :D

I am a little worried about her though, she goes crazy when I'm nothome :/ My mom just told me over the phone that she had to cover hercage to help calm her down, and I could hear her chirping over thephone too. I'd love to take all the credit, but I'm worried she mightbe actually afraid of somehting. I brought her home from the parkinglot, but she will not quiet down to even preen unless I am very closeto her cage, or if she is on my shoulder. & I have towork a 10 hour shift tomorrow. I hope she calms down, or hopefully Ifind a way to put her at ease....Corn, you say? I'll buy some tomorrow:) & maybe I'll get some diapers from the sexy bird site ;)then I won't mind her being on my shoulder :p
I wonder if a stuffed animal or a ticking clock(I know they help with puppies)would work? I've had guineapigs snuggle a stuffed animal for comfort. Anyone have someideas?
I wonder if a stuffed animal or a tickingclock (I know they help with puppies)would work? I've hadguinea pigs snuggle a stuffed animal for comfort. Anyone havesome ideas?

It's a great idea, but she poops too much for a stuffed animal. (I gaveher one the first night, but replaced it with paper towels bunchedtogether!) A ticking clock sounds soothing:) I haven't heard of that.

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