Chewing problem

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2010
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Hazleton, Pennsylvania, USA
Now when my bun eats timothy hay or orchard grass,she'lleat it with no problem but thenthere's times when she takes a piece andits sticking out of her mouth. She will try to remove it but has a difficult time doing so. Ihave to reachfor her mouth and pull it out.This doesn't seem right. She never had this happen before. Its been going on for about a month now.Can this be a tooth problem?

Buns are soooooo much fun, they sure know how to get your attn:

Gotta love them:inlove:

It probably could be a dental problem but you also state that at times she normally eats hay without this problem?

She needs to have a vet take a look at her mouth; it is possible that she has a gap between tooth and/or gum where the hay is getting stuck or she may have more serious issues.
Good for you for paying attention to something that is not normal behavior for her. :)
The vet did look at her teeth. The only thing he saw was her rear teeth were worn a little more on one side compared to the other. We did not think it was an issue.

When you said "she may have more serious issues" what could they be?

Again, Thanks for your time.

so what does she do when she tries to remove it?..does she swipe at her mouth and try to pull it out??.or does she try to keep chewing to swallow it? it only on one side of her mouth?
i just read some of ur older posts...doesnt ur bun have an abscess under her tongue or something...? u really need to find a better vet then who ur get another opinion on this abscess ..also im hoping im wrong but i know she had cancerous tumors removed are u sure there arent more in her throat or something?.id be gettin some tests if i were u..i hope shes gets back to normal soon:)
Flash Gordon wrote:
so what does she do when she tries to remove it?..does she swipe at her mouth and try to pull it out??.or does she try to keep chewing to swallow it? it only on one side of her mouth?
She'll try tilting her head back cause she knows somethings there. She'll also try to swipe at her mouth with her front paws. Final attempt will be me, if it's still there.I'll reach in and pull it out for her. The times I noticed it was out the front.
Flash Gordon wrote:
i just read some of ur older posts...doesnt ur bun have an abscess under her tongue or something...? u really need to find a better vet then who ur get another opinion on this abscess ..also im hoping im wrong but i know she had cancerous tumors removed are u sure there arent more in her throat or something?.id be gettin some tests if i were u..i hope shes gets back to normal soon:)

The vet noticed a small growth under her tongue. I was hard to tell cause their tongues are rather big. He didn't know if it was an abscess so he put her on Baytril for two weeks. Other replies saidit shouldgo away around 5 days--it didn't--or I should say her actions are about the same that somethings there.

I stopped her Baytriltoday.I think the antibiotic didn't do any good except give her loose stools.Today was the worst. I even tried a probiotic for two days thinking it would help while taking the antibiotic. I could not find any Benebac. She's still eating anddrinking normal and is still very active. (except for last night-i'm going to post a new topic on gas)

She did have her uterus removed in July 2010 and it was cancerous but was confined within the uterus wall.As far as another rabbitvet, it's at least 60+ miles away. Even traveling 3 miles to our present vet, my bun gets so bad she starts shaking and wimpering, I feel soooo bad.This last time her BP was so high her nose turned red on the insidethere were signs of blood and her eyes got bloodshot.

What kind of tests would they give? I'm glad I can get some direction from this great site. It helped me make decisions I would never of thought.

Thanks everyone for replies.
This is what happens when a full history is not posted with every problem that a rabbit has developed. Mods do not usually have the time to check previous threads and 'connect the dots"
I checked back and reread the posts on the lesion under her tongue. This very well could be part of the problem with the hay.

This is the info that needs to be posted at the beginning of every infirmary thread. otherwise we end up giving inadequate info because we do not have all the present and current information .

If Flash Gordon had not postedI would have continued clueless
Oh, sorry. I forget about the check list especially if all you're thinking about is your buns problems at that time. Is there anyway the checklist can be right there while making a new post? Something that you can click on and its there...

I don't know how involved it would be for members to have a personal bunny chartwith all of the info for that bun that doesn't change and have the checklist to fill in. This could be very helpful for members with a slew of buns..... ( I'm just thinking out loud)

I would always use it.
I have brought that up to the administrators asI agee that folks don't remember to give that info.

Iam supposed to remind everyone to do it but I forget to do that also.

We'll work on something .....
She is doing fine except for that chewing problem or whatever it is. Something is still bothering her.She has no problem when she chews her pellets (and you know how hard they are) but something is still happening. I may not have mentioned this before but when she gets this "thing" she also sticks her tongue out and starts licking her mouth as if there's something in there. You can hear her crunching on something then its gone....... She drinks water with ease from a water bottle. You'd think it would bother her then...

I canceled the vet visit on Monday. I just didn't want her to get that upset like she did last time. (we thought we were going to loose her) She was MAD for days and that's not cuddles.

She is starting to trust us again. These last two weeks as soon as I would open her pen up she would hop to the back and start whimpering. She knew I was going to give her meds.... She just started to climb up on my stomach while I'm watching TV.

I get the feeling like she has a nasal drainage and she's licking something. There's no signs of a runny nose or watery eyes. She is also sneezing.

I really appreciate all the help and time thatyou andangieluv have given me. My wife and I are watching cuddles like a hawk for other hidden signs that may solve this. I will keep you posted as things happen...

u still gotta get that thing checked out under her tongue....
ok when my Flashie goes to eat his night droppings..(cecotropes doolamabobs),,he starts licking quickly in the air and looking like hes tasting it already and its yummy ..he kinda smacks his lips...then he goes down under and gets the cecos......could part of this licking in the air thing be this.?..When flashie does this it does look a little strange like something is in his mouth already......i dont see my other buns doing this ..but flashie is my little shadow so i see his little orange face time ur bun does the air licking her for a few minutes and see if she goes for the cecotrope doodads,:)..
Flash-great call!!:biggrin:

Are you getting the bun checked? Sneezing? Nasal discharge? You need to have her checked out by a vet. Could be a respitory infection. which require proper antibiotics.;)
If it is respiratory related, what antibioticsdo they use? Also, what other symptoms would I notice if its respiratory? Could their tongue turn a darker color?

My vet seems to be old school. In the past my bun's been treated with Trimethoprim Sulfa and Enrofloxin. Is this old school meds?

I wouldbe curiousto see what he would give. He won't be in until Monday (Nov 29)

Does anyone have any advice on transporting your bun to the vet without her getting very upset. My last trip two weeks ago her eyes got very bloodshot and even the inside of her nose got very red, it looked like it was starting to bleed. The vet saidher BP got high from being scared.....

You can put her in a carrier stuffed with hay .
this rabbit still has the lump under her tongue (or we don't know?)
almost all the symptoms that you have listed probably are related to that
The bun needs to go to he vet
thank u AngelnSnuffy..:):)

Maxx55 you can see in ur bunnies nose?..and ur scaring me with the question about a darker tongue....please update us after the vet on Monday..:)
I can see in the bunnies nose and its pink. I did some searching on line and read something about the tongue turning dark but that was on cats and dogs. I did not know if that would apply to all animals. What got me guessing was I noticed something dark - one time -onlyto find out the next time she just finished doing her night dropping thing like you had mentioned and that's what looked dark on her tongue.I thought they only do that at night but mine does it at all different times. I been checking her tongue every time we pass her cage and its always pink......

I'm going to start a new thread with the topic of "Sneezing bunny" and fill out the current healthhistory.That seems to be the issue now with my bun. We're thinking its respiratory.

I will be stopingby the vet on Monday but not with the bunny for now. I want to maybe get the last appointment of the day when all is quiet at his office.

I am SO afraid that the stress will do more harm to my bun. I'm telling you that her last visit there we were almost in tears seeing her like that.

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