Thankyou for the compliments everyone
The pictures i take of Ebony don't seem to come out looking nice all the time,i guess i have to change something on my camera....yep Ebony is just the cutest thing,i know the pictures don't do her enough justice,but her fur is so shiny and black....sometimes in the way she's looking,i have to search for her eyes because they blend in withher fur lol.
I remember when my friend brought them to my home,poor little things...i don't think they were let out to roam around before and they were to young anyway....i had kept them seperate for a little while,not as long as i should have though....of course they were frightened for a while...i put them in the room by themselves and took them out of their cage,they got their courage up later and started checking things out.....then they started binkying around binkies are just awesome to watch..the cuteness is just so unbearable lol....they looked like little popcorn popping,it's really adorable,it just looks so cute coming from something so little lol.
I have their baby pictures to post also,i just wish i had taken a lot more now.
Ohh and i have to say that when i introduced the babies to the others,everybunny got on just fine.
I never did really have that much trouble bonding my bunnies,i didn't really have much to do with it....but everything didn't always go so smoothly though,there was a bit of chasing and humping of course.....but like i said in one of my other posts,the worst was Jack and Pippi....Pippi had bit Jack really hard on the cheek which made it swell up...they were seperated immediately.
They gotta have thespace also to be able to get away if they want to,but everything has worked out quite well for me.
Well i actually woke up to sunshine this morning and not the sound of the wind or the sound ofmy teeth chattering....ok i'm exaggerating a teeth weren't chatteringlol..but i'm one of these people who feels cold very easily....but this morning is actually warm and i don't have to wear a jumper....the bunnies are like 'YAY..the sun's back' lol
So it's been pretty nice here thanks Michelle
Yesterday was actually a glorious day also,so i took the opportunity to rake up all the leaves and everything else that was blowing around the backyard,and then i put the rubbish bag against the fence..well...i will have to post the picture that explains the rest of my story lol
I just dropped my son Jeremy at school...i made him a nice chicken salad for lunch,i'm tired of finding squashed sandwiches in his bag...i think i give him to much stuff in his lunch box lol.
I can't believe that my 'baby' is in grade 7 now...his last year in primary,after this year,it's of to high school....boy!...where does the time go?!.....i remember when i first enrolled him at school...gosh!!
Hehe,i remember when he was in kindy and he would never let me leave until i had done all the puzzles with himlol
Well i guess i shall post these baby pictures