Charlie raided the Chocolate Chip bag

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I had one of those huge hershey bars on thecounter once and my dog Travis got it and ate it all. It didn't evenphase him. He was like a trash compactor, another time I had a FROZENsteak in the sink to thaw, he ate that..... They can be so badsometimes. I'm glad u caught him in time.
Hmm, no the vet didn't prescribeanything. If he is still not eating on his own tomorrow I amgoing to call them and see if I should get something to help himout.

He nibbles on some hay now and then and only drinks a little if I giveit to him out of the little dropper from the simethicone bottle(spoiled bunny).

But he's playing and running around like nothing'swrong... but no poo.. still...

What's been concerning me is that he also isn't producing any cecals(I've been watching him like a hawk). Usually seeing themmake a few cecals is reassurance because that means the food is movingand regular poop is on it's way. No cecals means the foodhasn't even moved through his intestines to the cecum yet... yes?no? That's from my limited understanding...

I hope Charlie starts pooping soon!!! Not to mention eating properly...

I can see that we will have to be VERY careful over easter, what with kids and chocolate and a bunny!!

It's good to be aware that chocolate is so dangerous. I'll have to makesure the kids understand 100% that bunnies can NOT have chocolate as atreat, and if they drop any they have to be very, very careful to pickit up!!!
Actually, I think thececum is beforethe intestines, or between the small and the large. I'll lookit up when I get home. What this does mean is that somewherealong the way nothing is moving. If he doesn't start poopingby morning, it's time for another vet visit for gut motility drugs.:(

HoneyPot wrote:
What's been concerning me is that he also isn't producing anycecals (I've been watching him like a hawk). Usually seeingthem make a few cecals is reassurance because that means the food ismoving and regular poop is on it's way. No cecals means thefood hasn't even moved through his intestines to the cecum yet... yes?no? That's from my limited understanding...
Alrighty... I syringed him a little morecritical care before bed, then watched him until about 1:30 AM when Isaw him go down for a snack.


A little while later there was a litter full of about 10 small, butnormal looking poops (not soft or runny). By morning, he haddone about 20.

He's still not eating or drinking on his own though, so he got somemore Critical Care this morning, and I may still need to take him intothe vet... will call them and see what they say.


quick update - poo is flowing out, but no food is going in voluntarily.

He's not eating OR drinking on his own. He has not peed allday, so he's getting the syringe again soon. I called thevet, and she said don't syringe him any Critical Care until tonight andsee if he will get hungry enough to eat, and if not, continue with thesyringe tonight. If he's still not eatingby Sunday,we'll figure out what to do then.

So far - nothing, but we'll see.

I think I am defeinately going to syringe him some water though.

Your vet and others may not recommend this - I don't know.

But in the past, I have taken critical care and mixed it with a bit ofbaby food to make pellets...but that were banana/critical careflavored...

I used to make them about the size of cecals...maybe try that?

It kinda felt like playing with firm mud pie or something..
Hmm...I'll try that. anything to gethim to eat.. although I think I have ruined Critical Careforever. They used to think it was a treat. Nowthat I have been shovelling it down their throats, they're both turningtheir noses up at it. Of course they would make it as hard aspossible...

Wow, Nadia. I missed the updates,sorry. I hope he takes something soon. He has to beveryhungry by now.The males I have hadcan't seem to go 8 hours (overnight) without acting like they haven'teaten in two days:shock:.

He should be past the side effects of the chocolate by now I would think.:ponder:
lol sas - that's why I'm holding off theCritical Care till later tonight. Neil said I'm making it tooeasy for him. He's not working for his food because he getswrapped up in a comfy blanket, stroked and kissedand hand fedif he doesn't eat... why would be voluntarily start eating...

That reminds me of Pipp'sdiagnosisafter her last molar spurs op when she didn't starteating again and I had to take her back to the vet.

He told me, very solemnly,that she was suffering from'SBS'.

"What's SBS," I asked?

"Spoiled Bunny Syndrome."

Sure enough, I got her home and stopped hand feeding her, and within 12hours the sad little cuddle bun was giving me dirty looks and the bunnybutt,and picking at her veggies and pellets. Within24 hours, she was chowing down like there was no tomorrow. ;)
