Well-Known Member
I posted earlier on my bunny (1 yr old) lack of pooping and eating, as well as weight loss a short time after eating some the foam play floor squares. He got better for a time after I took him to the vet, the vet noted he had a full stomach and empty intestines and put him on critical care and meta to get things moving and iv fluids while he was there didn't think it was GI statis , he improved some. Now while is his pooping better (still not a large amount), he still isn't acting like himself. He hides more, still mostly inactive and doesn't come running at feeding time. His diet hasn't changed, large amount of hay at all times, 1/4 cup pellets, 2 tbs of fruit banana or apples. and at least four cups of fresh veg twice a day all of this he turns his nose up to. I even tried to coax him with crit care but he won't touch it, and I can feel his bones more and more.. the only thing he will go for right now is pineapple juice. Should I take him back to the vet?