Change in Water Consumption

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A few of those threads (Chase's in particular) do list some lab values for their guys, so it might be helpful. It's totally possible that the UTI is throwing off the numbers like you said as well.

I don't know where the attitude comes from. I think part of Frida's personality is that she was a "wild bunny" for a while, as somebody set her free outside and she was caught as a stray and brought into the humane society. Maybe dwarf girls are just more territorial? Benjamin is a total sweetie.
Wow! Times flies when yer having fun! ;)

Just an update - no real new news. Pepin is doing great so far. We've established a routine for the medication - husband holds her, I get to squirt a-b's into the side of the mouth! She wasn't too fond of this for the first couple of days but I think it was just a new experience and she didn't quite know what to make of it. Once she got into the routine it was fine - she opens right up and licks at the syringe while I squirt. I've been watching her food and water intake pretty closely (obssessive compulsively actually). She's been eating, drinking, etc. without incident so, phew. I have noticed a return of her excess cecal issues in the last few days. This cropped up about 4 or 5 months ago and the vet suggested cutting back just a bit on the pellets and fresh veggies and convincing her to eat more hay. That seemed to do the trick but it's back now. It's not bad - just one or two every couple of days that she doesn't eat - they get squished up in the cage......ew. I'm hoping that now that the a-b's are done this will go away again on its own......I don't think I can cut back the pellets much more, she's already getting less than 1/8 cup a day. Ditto with the veggies - about 1/2 cup a day. I've cut out a couple of veggies that I notice would lead to more cecals when she ate them....carrots and bok choy so far. Does anyone know if there are other veggies that are known to encourage excess cecal development?

Today is the last day for the meds and then I'll give her a week to get it out of her system. We'll take her into the vet for a re-run of the urinalysis to check that the infection is cleared up and see where the other numbers are at.:pray:
You could examine the veggies that you feed
also try to give benebac (a probiotic)

continue to encourage ingestion of a lot good quality hay of different varieties(except alfalfa) and cut back on root veggies and any other veggie high in sugar...
sounds as if you are doing everything correctly in terms of feeding