Chandie's Bunny ... woot. ^_^

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Oh, she's definitely the boss, heh.

I have a video of her now ^_^.
She's flirtin' with my boyfriend ;)

:) Forgive me if I sound like a weirdo.

I have yet to get a video of Necro though. :? He's a very shy bunny.
Have you double checked Belle's sexlately? What she's doing looks very much like a male whowants to mate, I've only ever seen boys do that. I would do adouble check, and see if you can see testicles.

Although, just because I have never seen a girl do that kind of dance doesn't mean that the don't....

Interesting! My mom has an un-neuteredboy who does a similar little dance, but it ends with him trying tohump my hand. But the same circling and sniffing, almostidentical!

It really is cute though.

Maybe she's just trying to figure out how to hump his hand to tell him she's boss?

lol That's most likely what she's doing, because she was humping his hand earlier.
It makes sense; she's is the bossiest little bunny I've ever seen. ;)


I had to give Belle a "butt bath."

Her pee smells really bad... and strong... and she likes to sit in it :?

We took pictures... and a video...



She HATES bath time... she runs, kick, and grunt when she knows that it's time.

Here's the video:

She looks so stressed out... she probably was :(

Is there any other way I can get her clean?

Belle's spay is coming up soon... May 11th.
I've been saving up, so my parents won't have to pay for it. :)
I'd like to do this on my own since she's my bunny.
After her spay, I'd like to get Necro in for his pre-neuter check up, and then I can schedule it.

Speaking of Necro :?
He's still very shy.
He still won't come near me or my boyfriend (whom I got Necro for in the first place)
We've tried sitting on the floor, so he'll get curious and smell usmaybe, and he still won't come near us. Everytime one of us stands upor moves, he gets scared and runs in the opposite direction. Otherwise,if we just leave him alone, he'll run around like a happy little bunand do all the crazy little binkies. I'm just really confused. I'd lovefor this little guy to open up to us.
If you need to clean her, maybe next time try the bath wipes? or just a sudsy wet washcloth on her rear?

She looks so ticked off, poor girl. But that is what she gets for being stinky!
Yes, Belle is very stinky, and it concerns me.
Like I said, I bathed her, and she still smells :(
My whole living room smells funny now.
I posted about that though- and I was told that maybe her scent glands need to be cleaned. I hope that's it.
I hope it's nothing really serious :(

Here are a few more pictures of Belle.

Here's Belle playing in my hair ^_^

Does she look a little over-weight?

"I'm ready for my close-up."

She reminds me of a ducky when she does this ^_^

I want to get more pictures of Necro, but the flash on the cameracompletely scares him stresses him out. Poor guy. Everything scares him:(

I won't give up on him though. :)

I'm off to sleep now -_-z..z....z.......z..z
How much does Belle weigh?
Belle is four pounds.

She's doing a tad better.
She's takin her antibiotics with barely any fuss, but she's still being picky about what she eats.
I found a new thing that loves though; dandelions ^_^.

I got a few pictures of Necro.
Explorin' the couch.

Little Mister and me.


He's actually starting to come out of his shell, slowly.
And I'll be getting him to the vet soon for his pre-neuter check-up.

Belle's spay is next Friday.
I'm just hoping she's eating better before then.

Was just wondering. That is about the same as Elvis. I think they look alike.:bunnydance:
Just thought I'd update a little...

Belle still won't really eat anything but her pellets, and she's beingextremely fussy with her antibiotics. She has even managed to kick thesyringe out of my hand :?
Her vet said if she still won't eat anything else, we'll have to try something else, and I wonder what that something else is?
You can't force feed a bunny... can you? It's not a very good thing to do, it seems.
She's not showing any signs of being sick. She's still very curious andin my face all the time. She just doesn't binky anymore :(
Her spay is next Friday, and I'm hoping she'll stop being so picky after it.

Necro is fine and dandy. He hasn't a care in the world; he is a binky nut :D
And he pretty much gets into everything. He managed to get on Belle'scage, which is like 2 and a half feet tall. I had no idea bunnies couldjump so high!.

And, I noticed, Belle is slightly bigger than my chihuahuas. :)
She was much smaller than them when we got her.

No wonder they're afraid of her.
Oh poor Necro. He looks terrified in those pictures. I guess you are right about the flash.

I don't have any advice for Belle, I have never went through medicalissues yet with my girls. Maybe a new post in your infirmary thread?
Luck is just not on my side.

I may have to re-schedule Belle's spay.
I was told that it was going to cost about $150... okay, no problem. I had planned on saving up, which I've done.
I should have $150, by next week, but I won't.
I apparantly owe my dad $50 :?
So, now, I'm down to $100.
I'd ask him if I could pay him back the week after, but he needs it right now, because he's on medical leave fom work...
Now, come to find out, Belle's spay is going to cost around $200. :(
And I only have half of that now.
I did ask the vet if they accepted payment plans too, but they don't.

I wanted to get this done.
Belle and Necro have been seperated for a month, and I was lookingforward to re-bonding them soon, and I don't think that will happen now.
I still have a few days to figure something out..

ChandieLee wrote:
Yes, they do ^_^

I was thinking that before when I saw a picture of Elvis :)

What breed is he?

Not sure here are some ideas....Whatbreed Am I?

So Necro looks like my Connor and Belle looks like Elvis. Hehe
I'm so sorry you are having rotten luck on thespay issue. :hug:It will work out, don't worry! All thingshappen for a reason.
Ouch! That sucks. Considering it all Might want to just re-schedual it considering it is more than you expected.

How old is Necro? How much will it cost to get him fixed?

ChandieLee wrote:
Luck is just not on my side.

I may have to re-schedule Belle's spay.
I was told that it was going to cost about $150... okay, no problem. I had planned on saving up, which I've done.
I should have $150, by next week, but I won't.
I apparantly owe my dad $50 :?
So, now, I'm down to $100.
I'd ask him if I could pay him back the week after, but he needs it right now, because he's on medical leave fom work...
Now, come to find out, Belle's spay is going to cost around $200. :(
And I only have half of that now.
I did ask the vet if they accepted payment plans too, but they don't.

I wanted to get this done.
Belle and Necro have been seperated for a month, and I was lookingforward to re-bonding them soon, and I don't think that will happen now.
I still have a few days to figure something out..

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