Chandie's Bunny ... woot. ^_^

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Auburn, Massachusetts, USA
So, I decided to start a blog.
I do have alot of time on my hands, so why not? :)

But where to start?:?

From the beginning- :D

I have 2 nifty little bunnies- an all black netherland dwarf, who is abuck, and an all white polish dwarf who is a doe. The boy's name isNecro- The girl's name is Bunny... though for some reason we've startedcalling her Belle... :ponder:

Anyway, I got Belle (Bunny) for Christmas, after begging my parents for a bunny.
And I got Necro just a few days ago to keep Belle company.:colors:

Before we got Necro, Belle seemed very lonely and depressed, becauseall she wanted to do was eat and sleep, even when someone sat on thefloor to play with her.
I have to say, she's been more social since we brought Necro home. :bunnydance:

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to spend much time with the bunnies-I recently had a tonsillectomy. :( So, I'm pretty much asleep all thetime due to pain meds.
Luckily, my boyfriend is here to me. He's taking great care of the bunnies- and me.:D
The bunnies just totally love him.

I guess that's all for now.
I'll get some pics up eventually.

Chandie Lee, and the buns!
Please tell me that one or both of them are neutered?

She may be more active now (and that is good) - but they can and willbreed in an incredibly brief period of time (can take less than aminute with an experienced buck and a very willing doe).

Also - in case you are thinking of breeding - Netherland Dwarfs (fromwhat I hear) have the highest fatality rates among newborns due to thedwarfing genes and the hardest times with giving leastthat is what I've been told. - I work with Lionheads ....


P.S. Congrats on your bunnies and on having a boyfriend who isn't jealous of them but is good with them!
Erm... :foreheadsmack: I actually tried to bondthem before I knew how quickly Belle could get pregnant.... Ifeel pretty embarrassed now because I had no idea. :sigh
The woman I got Necro from said that he was still too young to reallyknow that he was male and he most likely wouldn't try to mount Belle.Urgh. So now, I'm not sure if Belle is pregnant or not.... Iknow he's not an experienced buck at all though. He's only 2 months andhas previously been caged with 3 other bucks...
*confused* :(

Aaaahh.... anyone know what I should do.
I'm sorry... I feel incredibly stupid.
I'm definitely a newbie.:pullhair:

Erm, yeah, on a better note, yes my boyfriend is great with thebunnies. He's not jealous at all. If anyone should be jealous, itshould be me. He totally adores Necro and Belle.:sunshine:

I posted on the forum... not sure where... a few days ago about Bellemounting Necro... and everyone gave me great advice about not lettingthem interact...
I just wanted to let you know that I let them interact before I asked for advice.
I just wanted to let you know that so you didn't think I was somein-sensitive snob who asks people for advice but doesn't listen toit....
Sometimes I just get kind of "urgh" and forget things due to evil narcotics :X

Hey it happens, now you know and can tell yournon drugged boyfriend. I know the feeling I take meds and end up notremembering anything.
Hey Chandie, can't wait to see pictures of the buns!

Mistakes happen, it's okay. You didn't mean to breed them, and as yousaid, you're new to this. If Bunny is pregnant, hopefully it'll be asmoothe delivery and everybunny will be fine. Then you can get herspayed (really cuts down on the risks of reproductive cancers too!) andthen this will all be history. :)

Welcome to the forum! :wave2
So, I'm not feeling so great today. I guess that expected after having a tonsillectomy though.
Luckily the buns have someone to look after them and play with them- myboyfriend.:bunnydance: They are being a bit mischievous though:jumpforjoy:

Bunny keep trying to go under the heater- it's a gas heater; Every sooften, a little fire starts in it. The last thing we want is for her toget burnt....

I suppose I'll rest now.

Oh, and I'm hoping to get a disposable camera this weekend so I can take some pictures; my digital camera is broken. :?

Anyway, I'll go rest.

Chandie and the Bunnies. :bunny18
I'm a bit sad.

Necro doesn't seem to want anything to do with me or my boyfriend.We've tried sitting on the floor, so he could come up to us on his ownif he got curious, but he hasn't. He actually tries to avoid us... hekinda detours around us.
And if we walk the slightest bit his way, he takes off running. He alsohides in the way corner of his cage everytime one of us opens it to lethim out or feed him.
Although, I don't think he's unhappy; he does lots of binkies and dead bunny flops.
I'm just not sure what to do.

Bunny (Belle) is great as usual :bunnydance:
She's very nosey. ^_^

I'm still working on getting some pictures.
Hopefully they'll be up by next week.

It's been a few days...
Mainly because I'm waiting to get some pictures up >_<
It's going to be a little difficult because my digital camera is broken...
I'm not sure how to fix it.
Somehow the lense is pink. :ponder:

Anyway, on to the Bunnies!

Bunny Belle has her first appointment next Thursday, to see the vet. Just a check-up.
She's been very moody and giving me the butt often. It seems she gets angry if I ven look at her "the wrong way."
Ha ha. My mom is highly amused. She said that Belle reminds her of mewhen I was younger. Lol, they used to call me "Little Miss 'Tude." Ithink I'll pass that nickname down to Belle. :sunshine:

Necro is still very skittish and very shy. He won't eat unless hethinks we're not looking. Atleast he's happy (I think) He does lots andlots of binkies.

I thought I should explain Necro's name.
It's not as 'morbid' as it sounds. :?
I actually bought Necro for my boyfriend, who lives with me and my parents at the current moment.
Anyway, my boyfriend, loooooves video games. Like he lives for them 24/7 almost ^_^.
There is this character from one of his games, called Dizzy and she haswings; a black one and a white one. Well, the black wing's name isNecro.
He was going to name the little guy Chaos, but it just didn't fit him. Necro is so well-behaved.

Well, I'm off to I-Party for Easter supplies.
Then to PetCo for Bunny surprises! ^_^

Chandie and the Bunnies!

Hey there - just keep working with Necro, I'msure eventually he will come around and trust you enough to let you pethim every now and then. :)

My bun Charlie runs away from me if he sees me walk over to him - hethinks I'll pick him up, so he high-tails it out of my reach.I always have to be sitting down for him to come over and explore me.

Can't wait to see pictures of your two!

Are you thinking of getting one of them fixed? How old isBelle? Are you considering getting her spayed?Bonded bunnies are tons of fun!

Oh, I'm definitely getting Belle spayed.
That's why I'm bringing her to the vet.
When I called around to see how much getting her spayed would cost,every place I called said that she would have to have a check-up first,which is understandable.
I may have to wait to get her spayed, as she might be pregnant; whichbrings me to my next question; how long do you have to wait to spay abunny after she has her babies? Can I get her spayed right away, orshould I wait? My mom thinks I should wait, so Belle can be here totake care of the babies. I'm also thinking that could be a good ideabecause Belle may not feel up to taking care of the babies aftergettingspayed.


Good news.

I should have pictures up on Easter Sunday... at some point.
Mysister has a camera phone, and since she pretty ruined my camerasomehow (cause she was the last one to use it :X) I think it's onlyfair that she let me use her phone to take pictures. :D Yay.

Chandie and the Bunnies.

....This makes me laugh. ^_^
:bunnydance:Can't wait for the pictures!!

Hmm, I'm really not sure about the spaying thing - that would be a goodpost for the rabbitry section, I'm sure someone there will have goodadvice.

I don't know the exacts with rabbits, but I doknow that in cats you can't spay until there isn't any milk. It is verydangerous to cut into them when they have milk.
It's Easter, so that means I have the pictures that I promised! ^_^

Meet Bunny Belle a.k.a Little Miss 'Tude.











Meet Necro... he doesn't like the camera much...










These are my bunnies ^_^

We had a good Easter. Not too many people came over, so neither of them got too overwhelmed.

I was wondering... I though Bunny Belle was a Polish Dwarf... but I'm not sure now...
Does anyone know for sure by looking at her that she's a Polish Dwarf? Or is she another breed?

I hope everyone had a great Easter!!

Chandie and the Bunnies! :bunnydance:

Oh they are just adorable!:sunshine: I have ablack bunny and a REW bonded too. She looks a little big to be a Polishto me...maybe ask over in the Rabbitry to get a more definite answer.:)
NECRO! OMG! I WANT HIM! He looks like my Connor!


Necro does look like your Connor ^_^
He is very adorable by the way.

Thankyou Michaela and Binkies for the compliments.
I'll pass them on to Bunny Belle and Necro. :bunnydance:

My mom told me something that is rather sad.
It's really sad, forgive me if it seems offensive or anything. :cry1:

The man who gave me Bunny Belle lost all of his bunnies.

He kept his bunnies outside in hutches... and he lived near the woods.
I guess the bunnies were getting out, because every couple of days he'dfind one of them dead (and here's the part that really got me) and halfeaten.

We have alot of coyotes in parts of Massachusetts, so we're thinking the coyotes got to them :(

Actually, alot of people lose their pets to coyotes out here.

I feel really bad now, because I wish I could have taken all of them.



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