My vet didn't know what to do, and put Chance on a urine acidfier and a low dose of Baytril. Chance got worse. So my vet took an x-ray, CBC, and a full blood panel. I got the results, and showed them to the rabbit vet the rescue uses. She was a bit stumped,and since my vet wanted us to go to the exotics vet, that's where we went.
He looked over the blood work, x-ray, and did an ultrasound. Chance's potassium is to the ground, his protein is too high, his alkaleinity if off the chart, and his ALT is too high indicating he has liver damage as well.
The ultrasound showed that Chance's left kidney was swollen as well.After all of this, they can't tell us WHY he is the way he is, but all three concluded that the sand was secondary to something larger, but no one knows what. No one can pin-point why his organs are the way they are, why he is so sick, and what has caused his kidney's to be the way they are.
I asked them about SubQ fluids, and got the same response, including a detailed response from the exotics vet that sealed the deal with me not putting Chance on it.
I'm aggrivated and frustrated, because I am turning circles and getting nowhere with what is wrong with him. I don't want to, but I am about ready to just give up. Why keep torturing him with tests, only to watch him get sicker as vet's stand by cluelessly.