Chalk just isn't well...

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Oh thank goodness. It must have been pain related then I guess? Maybe she pulled something. Who knows. I am a bit surprised that they didn't do an xray or anything on the leg. When I read the posts, it kinda reminded me of the other bun who had injured its hip and how the bun was acting like it was stasis but it was pain, etc. Either way, what matters is that she is ok and getting better. You already have enough going on as well :?
Thank you everyone!:)

Ms Binky, that's kind of what I'd thought as well, the dragging her leg thing REALLY worried me when it first happened, but she just seems to have bounced back so well now.. If she hadn't improved this afternoon or by tomorrow I would have been pushing for an x ray, it sounds terrible but I'm just so bad at asserting myself like that! :?But either way, as long as she continues to do well, I'm happy. Rest assured though that if she doesn't continue to do well, I wont hesitate to get her back to James, the vet that she loves so much she chews his shirts every time she sees him lol! :p

And yes lol..... I promise I will look after myself now... right after I finish packing, move house, clean and unpack! :embarrassed:
Oh lol, I don't mean that you should have pushed. Just thought the vet would have checked it right away. How long since the last metacam dose? Hopefully Chalk keeps improving and won't need anything else... :):rose:
No, that's ok!I thought the same too... there's no excuse for the vet last night, I really wasn't happy with her at all, but the vet today, James said that he didn't want to do too much, since she was looking brighter, and he hoped that she would get better as the day went on and it wouldn't be necessary...

I was so annoyed at the vet last night. She just didn't want to listen to the fact that Chalk is usually a very hyper bunny, wont be held for long, eats a ton and will never miss a playtime. The big test was when I went upstairs and left the hallway door open and she didn't follow me, then I knew it was bad! She just thought that she didn't seem to be too bad, because she wasn't moving too much. That was exactly what was concerning me....

Anyway, hopefully it's over now!! :)Her last (and only) Metacam dose was 24 hours ago, so I'm thinking that it would have worn off by now and she'd be feeling worse, and also that if it had worked it wouldn't have lasted up until 4 hours ago, when she was hopping around fine?

I'm so glad Chalk is better, I was thinking about her today;). Let's make sure she continues to improve and is doing fine and I'll mark this resolved:biggrin2:! You must be so relieved:D.
I think I spoke too soon guys...

She's hardly eaten anything today,a little bit of hay and some carrot tops and a little bit of kale. I mean, little.

She's not come out of the cage at all, even though the door has been open for them all day, since 9am. I've not seen her wee or poo either...


She perked up so much yesterday, could it have been the fluids? Or the metacam? But it's been 48 hours now since she had the dose of Metacam, and 36 hours since the sub-q fluids....

I just don't know what it could be! We're calling the vets first thing in the morning. She isn't dragging her leg anymore.

If anyone has ANY advice at all in the meantime I'd be incredibly grateful, we're due to move in 2 days and I'm so worried about causing extra stress for her... :?

I just want my baby to get better...

Awww, Chalkie, what are you doing to your mom, silly girl? Poor Chalk :( I was all happy because she was better. At least she isn't dragging her leg? But yeah, the not pooping or peeing and hardly eating or moving isn't good. This is probably all wrong, but perhaps she's in stasis a little? Maybe she would eat some fresh pineapple. I've read that not everyone thinks fresh pineapple helps, but heck, maybe she'd like the taste and want to eat a little of it. Is she shedding right now?

By my calculations, it's almost 11 pm in England. Is that right? Why do bunnies always have to get sick at night :grumpy:
Shiloh, your calculations are right, it's 5 to 11 over here... it's just typical!

I feel bad, but then Steve said that she ate a little bit of her breakfast this morning, so I was feeling ok about that. Then all day I kept thinking, well she hasn't eaten much, but it's still early, she could perk up again later... and then all too soon it was late... I feel so bad :(

I don't have any fresh pineapple at the moment but there's a 24 hour supermarket very nearby that we could get to if it's needed... indeed, if anyone has any ideas about anything else I could try we could go get that too....

PLEASE anyone, if you have any suggestions/advice, I'm willing to try anything!

If needed we do have the funds (although obviously its a lot of money we'd rather not have to lose) to go the emergency vets again, but then they didn't help a whole lot the other night, and since we can't guarantee who we'll get, I'd rather wait til tomorrow and see either James (who we saw the other day) or Liz, the other vet, who is also rabbit-savvy....

Is it worth trying Infacol?? :?My feeling is that she needs more fluids, although obviously I'm no expert....
Jen, I don't know if this is advised or not, but Cinnabun got sick once from dehydration. It was like his body lost the instinct to look for water. It took a while for me to notice because his darned water bottle (I shake my fist at you, water bottle!) had just started leaking terribly so the level was going down like normal. After the vet injected him with fluids, I would syringe feed Cinny water a couple times a day to make sure he was still drinking. I would hold him like I normally held him to give medication, fill up a syringe with water, then put the syringe in the corner of his mouth and slowly squirt it in. He would lap it up. Of course, SLOW is the key word since you don't want to get water in her lungs! Hopefully someone can say whether or not this sounds like a reasonable way to get Chalk to drink some water.
Shiloh, we did that earlier! Just after I posted earlier, I tried to syringe some water into her, slowly. I say some, but it was only 1ml, and she didn't take all of it... she's impossible to syringe feed anything, always has been!

I don't know if I did the right thing or not doing that though......

When cinnabun was dehydrated, did he recover in the end? Was he still eating? Was there any other underlying cause for the dehydration? I've ben worrying about stasis as well, but then I think that's normally a symptom for something else, and I can't think what that something else could be?

I'm in such a pickle here, I just really don't know what to do..... :(I just want my Chalk better....

Edit: I'm sure she's lost weight as well, when I picked her up earlier she seemed lighter and a bit bonier too....