pamnock wrote:
...Hold the tail scissored between your fingers and gently press above thegenitals with your thumbto expose them. At his age,the penis should slightly protrude.
Yes, and when we we do that a protrusion, about 1/8 th of inch or sooccurs, but it looks very similar to that on Calbert. Missy,on the other hand, has a "classic" look to her and there is no questionthat she is female. It also does not look unlike our otherbuck, Mickie, but we can see no evidence of testicles currently orpreviously. Nor, on the other hand, can we "see" any evidenceof an hysterectomy scar because the bun is so densely and heavilyfurred on the stomach.
Tonight we got into an argument trying to find "scars," of anykind! The Missus thought the rabbit was gettingstressedbecause of the wayI held the rabbit, whileI thought the Missus wasn't moving properly or fast enough to locateany potential "scars," thereby inducing the stress. EndResult? Rabbit...1. Jones'!
Now, this is all in spite of the fact that this eveningtheMissus met the breeder I took Ernest(ine) to yesterday to getsexed at the town HS homecoming parade and bonfire.The breeder said to her then, "Missus Jones, it is a female!"So, here were are two grown adults peering at a bunny's genitals andyelling at each other!
This morning, at church, The Missus spoke with Ernest(ine)'s previousmom who reiterated that she definitely recalled seeing "his" swollen"parts(plural) upon return from the surgery.
What can I tell you? I not sure the bunny was stressed tonight, but we obviously were! LOL
Ican't sex our bunny, can't send digital photosanywhereand my wife is angry with me! I guess it istime to call it a day and go to bed.
On a lighter note, Ernest or Ernestine accompanied us to a major fleamarket today in his/her little pink knit cap and was a hit with manypeople. He/she didn't poop or pee in the "Buck Pack or on thecarpeted engine cover of the van, nor did he/she attempt to leap offthe engine cover while en route to the flea market...a trick "we"learned on "our" second outing, I'm afraid. Riding has nowbecomean acceptable activity.
In addition, "we" are leaving less poops around the house when "we" arepermitted to roam, as I think the territory is beginning to get"claimed" and there is less to fear and be excited about."We" did start chewing on the coffee table, for a first, and gotspritzed with the water pistol. I hope that is not aharbinger of things to come!