Caylee Anthony *probably* found

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NorthernAutumn wrote:
Throw a pedophile/child killer in with the general inmate population, and they don't last too long, if you know what I mean. There is virtually no inmate (except the other child killers) who will allow the murderer to live comfortably.
Like good ol' Jeffrey Dahmer? He was beaten to death with the bar from an exercise/weight machine while in prison.
NorthernAutumn wrote:
Isn't there a railway to build somewhere? Get out them hammers, and start with the rock crushing:) She better be productive if they plan on keeping her around.
Excellent idea! And excerise really is GOOD for mental illness.
I think they should exicute her... nobody who does something like that to a child deserves to live... Caylee was just a baby...and there is no reason on this earth for casey to kill that angel...

I try not to judge until I know all the facts but in this case the woman is a nut job...And I amnot overly fond of the grandmother
Yeah, she's definitely a nut job. Once we find out how little Caley died, I might revert back to "Fry her a**"!

As for Grandma, she's something else too. Maybe "nut jobs" runs in the

family. ;) Although, I'd probably be a bit weird if I suspected my child of killing my grandbaby. It would be so awful.
Lemon, don't be scared. I'm sure that you have parents that love you more than life. But it's okay to cry for Caylee, I've shed a few tears for that little girl myself.

You know what this makes me think of though? Do any of you remember Susan Smith? For those that don't, here's her wiki:

I live in Charlotte NC, which isn't very far from Union so the coverage here was non-stop, as I think it was nationwide. Anyway, I 13 when this was going on and I remember when Susan Smith held a press conference pleading with the carjackers to return her babies...her performance was utterly heartbreaking. My mom (who is NOT an emotional person) was sobbing for this woman. I remember her holding onto me so tightly saying "I just need to hold my baby for a minute, something that poor woman can't do."

After it came out that she drove her car into a lake and her boys drowned alive, my mom said that life in prison was too good for her. She said that Susan should be locked in a room full of mothers and see what happens. I think the same should happen to Casey. Throw her in a room full of mamas...I think that they would show her a thing or two.
I've written in some other threads about fairness and equality and choice and the greater good and things like that.

But I totally believe in the death penalty in cases like this. There are crimes where someone can go to prison and get through it, learn something, and come out the better for it. I think those people deserve some help. (But they don't necessarily deserve cable tv, fast food, etc.) I have a hard time believing a mother who would murder her own child is among them.

I want my tax dollars to be spent helping people who need it and can make their lives better from it. I do not want my tax dollars to be spent keeping people like this alive. I think anyone who murders her own child gives up her rights.

For that matter, someone who is absolutely guilty of deliberate murder should be executed. In my opinion. People who kill children should, at the very least, be let out in the general prison population. That would take care of them.

Although I haven't really followed this particular case, we've had some high-profile murder cases around here that are really scary. Kelsey Smith (18); Precious Doe (3); Ali Kemp (19). Their murderers all got life sentences. It makes me sick.
My feeling on this at the moment is, and it will probably change soon...

Casey should be put in a tiny sell and told "you are going to die within the next month", nothing else. Then somebody should take her and kill her at some random time, leave her not knowing when her last day will be. Then put her in a CO2 chamber, make it slow and painful. :X

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