Cause of Gracies Strange Behaviour!

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Yes they have white bellies... some have whiteon their muzzles and some white on their feet. Am gonna be upall night just gazing at them :?
She is fine, she has been running and binkyingall day. She got into the nest and sat in it long enough totease the babies. I would think they really only had time tolatch on then she got out. Will wait out the night to see ifshe stays in to feed them. Other than that she seems reallyhappy and throwing her litterbox contents all over the cage lol.
aww..poor babies sure shell get the hang of it :)lol are the colored dots workin out for you?

i know all about that litterbox mess!..cept today it was theopposite...freddy decided to put all of his toys into the litter box:disgust:
So far so good.. don't tell anyone but the onewith the black dot is my fave. He is more docile(like his/her fathers) than the others.
The other three act like they are in a popcornpopper, they jump all over the place one pops up, then the next, thenthe next. Scared me the first time they did it lol
FreddysMom wrote:
really? you can their personalities already? thats so awesome
Yes- if you watch them close enough (and don't have a lot of them) -you can start to see about their personalities at that young of an age.

Its even funnier when their eyes open and they start doing things andplaying. I have some that will continually play chicken onthe rabbit room floor - but they forget they can't stop intime! Sometimes they butt heads...sometimes they fall to theside as they try to stop...once Tiny was hopping through andabunny ran into him.

irishmist wrote:
Yes they have white bellies... some have white on theirmuzzles and some white on their feet. Am gonna be upall night just gazing at them :?
What does dad look like? I forget.

I'm assuming they aren't going to be black because they would be black all over if they were going to be black...

Pez is a black and white dutch dwarf.

Do you have your website up yet Peg, was doing a search looking for pics of your babies, so far have had no luck

irishmist wrote:
Pez is a black and white dutch dwarf.

Do you have your website up yet Peg, was doing a search looking for pics of your babies, so far have had no luck


nope - I'm working on it though. I'm having problems with itand hope to get it figured out by early next week.


Congratulations Nanna!!!!

I have NO advice what so ever as I haven't been in this situation but I have to tell you THEY are CUTE!!!!


Seriously goodluck and enjoy them :D:D:D:D
Susan , I asked if there wasLop only because with all the Lopbabies that have been bornhere , their littleears lay just as your newbabies do . hopefuly theywill have loppy ears.or even half lop ears , Ihonestly think half lopped earsare so sweet on babies . SOme evenhave amazing ear control andcan lop or unlop them at will .

Sorry it took so long to answerthe question but Ijust barely saw the question ,sorry :embarrassed:
Checked the kits this morning and we got round ping pong ball bellies !!!!!

I am so happy, I stayed up most of the night to watch Gracie to see ifshe was gonna feed them or not. I fell asleep at about sixa.m. and woke up with my alarm at 7:45, she fed them then.

Being a Grandbunnymommy is gonna be the death of me!

But ain't it beautiful?

irishmist wrote:
I am so happy, I stayed up most of the night to watch Gracieto see if she was gonna feed them or not. I fell asleep atabout six a.m. and woke up with my alarm at 7:45, she fed themthen.
Of course, she had to wait until you weren't watching!:p
irishmist wrote:
Being a Grandbunnymommy is gonna be the death of me!

But ain't it beautiful?


Oh yes - and the fun hasn't even "really" started yet. Waittill they look at you with those pleading eyes wanting to get out andplay....or wanting you to forgive them for doing something theyshouldn't...


P.S. I've found that the same thing I'd correct Tiny or oneof the others for doing...the babies can do and I don't react the sameway at all....

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