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She isn't a particular breed. Don't worry, iwill be keeping them til 10 weeks, alhtough i got misty and 6 and shewas as happy as can be, i can understand your point.

Just wondering, in America are cats often kept indoors then?

Leanne :)
Yes, it's much more common to keep cats indoorsin America. Just as an example, in my area, here are the things my catsare in danger of should they venture outside:

- hit by car

- attacked by dog

- attacked by other predatory animal (coyote, fishercat, raccoon, bears, eagles, etc.)

- poisoned by spiteful neighbors

- lost or stolen

- fighting with other cats

I can't imagine willingly letting my cats face those dangers; to me, itwould be neglectful. I know that in the UK it is much more common forcats to be allowed to roam, and I do think that in many respects the UKis much more "cat friendly" than the US.

But even people I know that live in the UK won't let their cats outbecause they would rather see them safe and inside. I don't feel that Iam stifling any of my cats' "natural instincts". They are active,mentally stimulated, happy and healthy. Letting them go out isn't anoption, for the above listed reasons. It just isn't safe.

Again, though, it is a cultural difference.
m.e. wrote:
Yes,it's much more common to keep cats indoors in America. Just as anexample, in my area, here are the things my cats are in danger ofshould they venture outside:

- hit by car

- attacked by dog

- attacked by other predatory animal (coyote, fishercat, raccoon, bears, eagles, etc.)

- poisoned by spiteful neighbors

- lost or stolen

- fighting with other cats

I can't imagine willingly letting my cats face those dangers; to me, itwould be neglectful. I know that in the UK it is much more common forcats to be allowed to roam, and I do think that in many respects the UKis much more "cat friendly" than the US.

But even people I know that live in the UK won't let their cats outbecause they would rather see them safe and inside. I don't feel that Iam stifling any of my cats' "natural instincts". They are active,mentally stimulated, happy and healthy. Letting them go out isn't anoption, for the above listed reasons. It just isn't safe.

Again, though, it is a cultural difference.

Yeh, thats totally understandable. And one of my cats has actually been run over before which was really sad :(.
But i guess its just something we do here. I mean as far as i know, allmy neighbours have cats and are all cat friendly but i guess thatslucky> i realise its not like that everywhere!
leanne :D
Two other problems that exist here in the US arelarge feral cat colonies and a declining songbird population.Basically, feral cats are domestic cats that have reverted to a wildstate. And both feral and domestic cats have been responsible for thewanton killing of small birds, which a lot of ornothologists are nottoo happy about ;)

I don't think either of those things are really concerns in the UK.

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