Cats v Dogs

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I grew up with both, had my share with meannasty cats all my life. The worst cat I have ever met was the simessecat (sp) my grandmother had one named AJ, he would always scratch me ifI touched my grams, or sit in her seat or even to look at him alsonever could pet him. One day me and my cousin went over her house tofeed him before we all left for camp since grams was up there on herway back to pick us up. We walked in lo and behold AJ waslying on his back crying his head off. My cousin said help me pick himup. I know I may sound rude but I told her no cause I have always hatedthat cat and I wanted him dead.

So finally my grams comes in bawling like a baby adn throwing tempertantrums. So on our way to camp we stopped at the vet office. My dadtells me and my cousins to wait in the car. My dad wanted him gone toocause of what he did to me and my dad all the time. Grams comes outcrying so loud where the whole world can hear me. My cousin tells mefake cry and stop laughing. All I could do was laugh. My grams slappedme in the face until my dad stepped in and said Angel would never laughif AJ was not so mean to her. I almost ended up in the hospital fewtimes because of him.

I had cat that would always scratch the back of your legs if you ran.So I took him and just locked him out of the house. Made him run awayfrom home.

Always been a dog lover and will always be. I have had dogs all my lifeadn they are playful and fun. Cats are stuckups adn always have to beclean. They are hard to maintain.
Wow, so many cat-people! :shock: actually a dog person. I love dogs~ :D
I guess....mostly because you can train dogs to leave a bunny alone (Orif you raise them with bunnies, they'll leave them alone bythemselves).....but you can't really train cats, and if they decide abunny is lunch (Especially if it's a dwarf or other small one) thenthere's not much you can do about it :?
Ohh talking about cats!

When i was a young kid we had this cat,he was a stray that my auntiefound,but she was living with us at the time,we named him Whiskers(howoriginal).

Anyway,our family home was very big and our hallway went from thekitchen right around in like a half circle until you got to theloungeroom,and you couldn't see past the corner,well Whiskers would sitthereand wait for me to walk past and then he would jump outand scratch my legs,he did this everyday,i don't know why he didthis,but he only did it to me for some reason..he left my brother andsister alone.In the end i got used to him doing that,but occassionallyhe would scare the heck out of me

He did that up until i was 13 years old,and then my mum and daddivorced and sold the family homeand Whiskers went to mysisters house.

Nothing was ever the same after that.

I look back on those wonderful memoriesand i just have to have a giggle about that annoying cat..Whiskers!

I would really love to own a little Maltese dog...a little girl so ican put ribbons around her ears:sunshine:my boys think i'm a dork when i mention that to them

When I was in my mid-teens we got a cat fromsome friends of my dad's who lived in the country. (I won't go into thestory of how horrible this family was with pets, and how they chose todispose of them.) Mickey was a beautiful lynx-point siamese, absolutelyone of the friendliest cats I'd ever met. He followed people around, hewould cry constantly for attention (which caused me to start callinghim 'Mickey Mouth), and he had the most endearing personality. For somereason Mickey had a nylon fetish. He used to love to run and play, butif any female walked into the house wearing panty hose, he'd plan hisattack...he would sit quietly just around the corner, and as soon asthe woman walked into the room...POW! A full-out assault on thosenylon-covered ankles. If you walked around with just bare ankles henever was only if you wore panty hose that Mickeypounced. And he never hurt the person...never would put out a claw ortooth. I think his strategy was the element of surprise, to simply totry and give the person a heart attack.

I do recall one day Mickey had been out in the backyard playing, andwhen he tired of that he came to the back door to be let inside. Iopened the door and in he sauntered, with something in his mouth. Forsome reason I thought he had a bone of some sort, and feared he wouldchoke if he ate it. So I grabbed him and began saying, 'Spit it outMickey...drop it!' Of course to a cat, this translates into 'I'm tryingto take your treasure from you...don't let go or you'll lose it' and hehung onto the bone tenaciously. However, I finally won out and Mickeydropped it. But to my horror, it wasn't a bone at entiremouthful of semi-chewed-up June bugs spilled out of his mouth and ontothe kitchen floor. There must have been at least ten of those littlesuckers in the pile! LOL...I screamed and ran out of the room, withMickey looking at me as if I'd suddenly grown another head orsomething. Then he went back to his business, collected up his treasureand wandered off.

The worst thing that ever happened to Mickey occured when I was around17 or 18. My best friend had come for a visit, and she smoked...butwhile she was visiting she discovered that her lighter had stoppedworking. So she turned on an element on the stove, waited for it to gethot, and then lit her cigarette with it and turned it off again. Wewere sitting in the kitchen, deeply engrossed in conversation (probablyabout boys) and weren't paying attention to Mickey, who'd also beendeeply engrossed in our conversation. As we were talking I stopped andsaid, 'Do you smell that? I think something's burning'. I turned andlooked, and to my horror there sat Mickey on the stove...small tendrilsof grey smoke wisped up from his foot, which was planted firmly on thestill-hot element. He looked back at me as if to say, 'What are youlooking at? Do I have tuna on my face or something? What?' Then Iscreamed, 'Omigod, the cat's on fire!!!' and grabbed Mickey, rushinghim over to the sink. I turned on the water and tried to put his footunder it, but by this time he was screaming even louder than me. Atfirst I thought it was the pain of his burning foot, but later realizedMickey was screaming because he feared water, especially if it camefrom a running tap. I finally managed to douse his foot however, andwhen I inspected it discovered that it was a very superficialburn...not really enough to cause him any discomfort. He did wind upsporting a large circular multi-ringed mark on his hind foot for awhile after that, however...;)

Mickey was definitely of a kind, and I still smile whenever I think of him...

I optwe get Rid of our 3 dogs 7 cats and get more Bunnays! :yes::roflmao:

My wife would kill me though because our Moma Bishon sleeps onthe bed with us and all the cats greet the girls every morning at theback door for cuddles and their food and I really do love them all. Butdon't tell My Girls I like their Cats, I DOhave a reputationto mantain Ya know! :laugh::wink

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

All of my friends with cats have reported theircats bringing them wild baby rabbits and/or eating them. I wouldn't saydogs are the only of the two who do such a thing.

I have a wolfdog that loves bunnies. He likes to lick them. And getsthem all gooe y. ITs gross, but I prefer it to munching. He'ssuch a big sissy. My french lop got out one day and wasrunning around the yard and my dog went over to say hi and Chad (bunny)I gues...moved? And Seth pretty much was scared out of his mind for allof 3 seconds.

Dogs are more my thing. Cats are too aloof for me. Mine hides under the bed and sleeps all day and pees on my bed.
'Nother cat person here ;)

I think cats and cat behavior have been widely misunderstood,and the myth of the "aloof, antisocial, lazy cat" is just that - amyth. There are laidback aloof cats like there are laidback aloofbunnies and dogs ;)

I live with five and they are entertaining, love to interact with us, and have been a wonderful addition to our family.
Yes, my friend has a kitten (and just gotanother one) who is probably the most active feline ever. I've neverseen her sleep, lay down, or hold still while i'm visiting. She'llattackand play with ANYTHING. I need to make sure my shoes are tiedwhile i'm walking through the apartment. And by attack ANYTHING I meanANYTHING.

Her boyfriend was using the restroom and what befalls my friend's earsbut a blood boiling scream. Chris had left the bathroom door open.Kitty wanted to play. :embarrassed:
m.e. wrote:
I did that once. We were at my sister in laws house. Well I forgot thatthe cat loves to play in the bathroom. Um I forgot to close the toiletseat. All of the studden you hearMeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww.

lol Poor cat was so mad and soaking wet. lol I laughed that was all I could do. lol
I love both, but my husband doesn't like cats sowe will probably never have cats. We have 4 dogs and 4parrots and 1 bunny right now.

I don't think i would be able to sneak in a kitty without my hubby noticeing unless i am able to teach it how to bark!:D
I dont like cats at all. I am a dog person. I love big dogs. I show wolfhounds and greyhounds amoung other things.

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