cat with an identity crisis...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

this one is a little blurry but she's eating a mouthful of grass just like her friendsthe bunnies:)


I am so blessed that I have a house fullof animals and they all get along so well.

That has got to be one of the funniest picturesI've seen in a while. Definitely made my day! Great job oncatching such a good shot! :D
Excellent photo ,

Cats eat grass to settletheir tummies , sometimes it settles itso good they throw it up , Grass isactually good for them lol .
That's so cute. :)

One of my cats, Lestat, like to eat the rabbit's hay, but I try to keephim away from too much, as it kinda doesn't exactly break down in hisbody like the buns and he gets "hanger ons".
gypsy wrote:
Excellent photo ,

Cats eat grass to settletheir tummies , sometimes it settles itso good they throw it up , Grass isactually good for them lol .
Contrary to popular belief, it's only dogs that eat grass to settle their stomaches, cats just do it for the "fun of it";)

Cute photo!

The rabbits look like they want to say to thecat "umm I think you are mistaken but you are a cat" Lol they rabbitsexpression are like what the heck is this cat thinking....
Awesome! Your kitty looks a little like the Maine Coon I used to live with... Gosh, I miss that cat!

Of all of the many cats who currentlylive here, only onereally demonstrates a desire to be friends w/ my rabbit. Backwhen Meat still had her own bedroom, I let Gypsy (the cat) in tovisit... Meat ignored her completely, while Gypsy made a beeline toMeat's cage, settled down in the litterbox, & proceeded to eathay.


I don't think I live with a single animal who's completely "right" in the head. ;D
OMG, the black and white mini lop looks SOO much like my Oreo!! Even the white stripe up the side of the nose!

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