Cat crapped on couch...

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Autumn - Administrator
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
London / North Bay, Ontario, Canada
Am seriously really frustrated with this animal right now...

I just finished my shower, and Sigmund went in to investigate the tub as always. I went intu my bedroom to dress, and when I came out, all I could smell was cat crap downstairs.

He took a huge, smelly dump on the couch, really close to the stray kitten's cage. BUt he had just been in the bathroom, where his litterbox is. The only animals that play on the couch are my buns, so I don't think it is something personal with them (he would have crapped sooner;))

I think he is telling me to "get the kitten out of the house NOW!" ; however, he was playfighting with her just an hour ago..,

As well, the kitten's litterbox is near the couch, inside her cage. I don't know if he is crapping to prove a point, or what. Pretty confident he isn't sick. I scruffed him and showed him the crap on the couch, using words I can't repeat on here.

How do I stop him from doing this again? He only craps on my stuff when he is seriously angry with me.. last time it was my bed:grumpy:, about 6 months ago when he wasn't appreciating his flea treatment.

So.. this is a huge rant, and a plea for advice.

BTW, kitten was supposed to go to her new home this weekend, but the lady hasn't shown up or called yet...

Called the lady; she'll pick up Heidi tomorrow morning. I'm so glad she's found a home!

Stupid Sigmund is now in solitary in my bathroom. Plenty of food and water, but no upholstery to poop on...;)

When he gets mad, he gets malicious. A malicious pooping cat.. I should hire him out:biggrin2:
You know it's so bad cause ifthe bunnies poop someplace we just accept it, say something like "ooh look, presents!"....... and when the cat or dog does it we want to choke them!

Well, we know why but it's true and it does make me laugh ..... cause been there done that...... Hopefully you'll find the answer.

I'm going to try feliway for the kitten being a brat. I've heard it helps with other behavioral problems too.
I'm sorry but I laughed too! Been there and done that with my cat Brewster, she's done that once, a random couch crap :D.

Cats don't get it when you grab them by the scruff and yell at them and show them what they did wrong. Once they've done it, it's sort of left their mind, they will get confused and all they end up doing is getting scared of people which can lead to more crapping issues (lol crap is such a funny word :p).

It could be that the cat felt that there was some issue with the litter tray, for goodness knows what reason, and not to be crude or anything but the cats strong sense of smell would sense the human bottom smell on the couch (especially if you eat a lot of beans;)). They don't have logical thinking like we do I don't think...litter tray smells yucky or not accessable for some strange reason only the cat knows...couch smells like bottom....couch is soft and seems a good place to thinks it's doing something right...voila! Couch crap!

Like with bunnies, they aren't doing it to upset us, the cat genuinly would have had it's own reason to do it there.
Well, I'm glad you gals got a chuckle today. :biggrin2:
Yes, BBBunny, I totally view bun poops as daily gifts from God that tell me all is well!

You're totally right, NZ.., I know he didn't fully understand the scruffing... I was losing my temper with him, as he seemed to be playing dumb (and I know he's smart as a whip!)

He popped into my room to visit me while I was typing on here earlier and proceeded to play up the whole twining around ankles, I love you face. What a clueless cat! I told him that his "mommy is currently trying not to kill him, so PLEASE go away", but that didn't seem to make a difference. :?

I think its the fact that he did it just minutes after looking in his perfectly clean litter box. & right beside the kitten ,who I'm sure he sees as a furry enemy who has infiltrated the household. EEeeeeevil! :shock:

Just makes me love the bunnies more... mind you, Slatey's been known to piddle on Nate's side of the bed when he's feeling particularly cranky. Still, at least bunny poops are nice and hard: not so messy at all :D.
No worries, its going to be all better soon!
I am going to pee myself from laughter, here!


Thank goodness my kitties don't crap on my stuff. Awwwghhh....I would be so angry!
Seems Diesel and your kitty are trying to kill us! LOL!

My sister inlaw has a cat that once she's pooped in her box - she won't go in it again until you clean it out!!!! She meows and complains until someone goes and scoops! She will go one day and you have to scoop the pee out or she'll pee all over the house! She was a cool kitten but she's a pain in the butt cat! LOL!

Tank hates Diesel but he's more likely to beat the crap outta the kitten than to do something to get himself into trouble with me....
NZminilops wrote:
I'm sorry but I laughed too! (lol crap is such a funny word :p).

It could be that the cat felt that there was some issue with the litter tray, for goodness knows what reason, and not to be crude or anything but the cats strong sense of smell would sense the human bottom smell on the couch (especially if you eat a lot of beans;)).


Ok, can't talk, I laughed soo hard on this, omg! Serious! Dying!:laugh:

(But if our cat did that, I'd kick her butt to Toledo!:p)

That's true too! Gosh, they're nasty little critters if you think about it! LOL! Diesel loves the smell of FEET! ewwwww......

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
NZminilops wrote:
I'm sorry but I laughed too! (lol crap is such a funny word :p).

It could be that the cat felt that there was some issue with the litter tray, for goodness knows what reason, and not to be crude or anything but the cats strong sense of smell would sense the human bottom smell on the couch (especially if you eat a lot of beans;)).


Ok, can't talk, I laughed soo hard on this, omg! Serious! Dying!:laugh:

(But if our cat did that, I'd kick her butt to Toledo!:p)
Well, kitten went off to her forever home today. Sigmund wrestled with her before she left, licking her little kitty legs.

What a dolt. Can't even keep fixated on his revenge...
Anyhoo, here's hoping there's no poop when I get home:D.

Glad you girls are still laughing... Laugh it up ladies; just don't get your cat mad...

:whateverDid YOURCAT tell MY CAT to go pee on my sheets?

Seriously - I know how frustrating things can be. Raven has always been odd and skittish and I've been having trouble since she was spayed. She's healing fine but her attitude sucks, she acts half wild and keeps destroying stuff.

I'm trying to organize the house today because I have carpet cleaners coming tomorrow, so I went to the spare bedroom to put some stuff in the closet.

Sheets fell off the top shelf and I didnt get to them right away.

I just went in to put some other stuff up and I saw Raven sleeping on the sheets. I jokingly told her "if you so much as.." and thats when I saw the wet spot on the sheets.

I have them in the laundry room right now but I'm half tempted to just throw them away. :(
I feel your pain, Leaf.
When Sigmund pissed on a too-expensive comforter, my gut reaction was throw it away.
However, I found that Oxy-clean does a great job of removing both piddle and crap out of the sheets. Add in some Borax to neutralize (same as ppl who do the cloth diapering on babies)

Yucky, eh?
PS: I do believe she heard you laughing at my thread...:p
I feel your pain! :p

This morning when I woke up (all drowsy of course) right when I left my bedroom I stepped in freshcat crud (with bare feet!). :yuckWhat happens is our kitten gets all hyper, jumps in the cat box, takes a dump, then takes off running!
I luck out big time with the hairballs; Sig's fav place to yack one up is on the kitchen linoleum , thank God!!!!

A few days ago, I woke up at about 4:30 AM to the sound of him gagging at the carpeted foot of my bed. "Get the Hell out, Cat!!":shock:

I leapt out of bed, ran for the door, and he raced out to he kitchen, where he yakked it up in great icky detail... If nothing else, I never have to clean up cat puke on my carpets. Thanks be for (very small) mercies.

The best cat pukes are the ones where you've just watched them stuff themselves with dinner, eating way too fast... :X

I literally (as I sat down to read this)just told my son not to give Diesel too much food cause he enhales it all - whatever he gets - and it'll cause him to puke if he gets too much!

Luke isn't usually the one to feed Diesel. So far, so good with him, but I've had so many cats do it - I know to limit their chow LOL!
I must have good kitties :dunno. No puke, hairball spits, destroying anything, or poo/peeing outside of the litter box. My cats are 6 months old and 1.5 years old.

Well, I do lie, a little. Zaide did ruin a shirt of mine last night. It was really "flow-y" and it was hanging in the closet because it was drying out from the wash....he decided to long jump and hang from it...while swinging around. It was a $3 shirt on sale, so I am not too sad...but argg....annoying! It was such a cute and nice shirt! He snagged the heck out of it.

Anyway, that was an odd occasion. My only other complaint about Zaide is that he likes to be Kittyzilla and climb up the side of the NIC cages and hang out on the top shelf in the bunny room. I get scared he will knock down all my bunny figurines, but nothing.....yet!
Oh my friend, the evils your kitties have in store for you... They're still stringing you along, getting you to buy their "cute" act.

As they get older, they get more "opinionated", shall we say...

BTW, Sig's other favourite trick is crapping in the tub if he doesn't feel the litter box is up to his standards. Can't tell you how many mornings I've started the shower, just to realize there's a steaming pile waiting for my footsies...:grumpy:. 3 times a month is his average...

Inevitably happens on mornings when I'm late for school too :biggrin2:

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