You know that makes perfect sense, animals are of course much like their human counterparts and I know that I have taken a long time in the past to recover from serious hurt.
Thank you Moominmoo and Mary Ellen. Sometimes an objective view is far better as when one is stuck in the situation, its harder to see the big picture.
BK is a lovely little man but the more I think about it, as much as would love another bun, I feel I just could not handle it if anything like this happened again.
I could never have a rabbit free house though

When I was very little (around 4 or 5) I got my first rabbit. I accidently smothered the poor little thing on the first day I got it by wrapping it under the covers in my bed. I thought the bunny was cold. I was horrified and traumatised. My parents were furious. I never got another rabbit until year ago.
That rabbit was Lila, she died of no specific causes, then Jane who died of a huge abcess on her wind pipe. I had her put down after a brave struggle by bothof us as she was starting to have trouble breathing and eating!!! So I suppose you could say that I am heartbroken.There are pictures of these beautiful bridge bunnies in my bunny blog.

I don't blame myself for their deaths but I sure think about it a lot. They are both buried in my garden. I absolutely love rabbits. They are sweet, humble and unassuming little creatures, dependent on our care for their needs.
I love my BK