I was watching a little bit of a program last night on the NationalGeographic Channel called "Elephant Rage". I'm not sure if you haveseen it yet, or not, but it was a really fascinating look into elephantpsychology as researchers explored the reasons for violent behavior inelephants.
Going back to elephants well-known propensity for memory and grieving(caressing the bones of dead relatives), animal behaviorists pinpointedintense grief as a motivation for rampages. Cited as an examplewas a herd of elephants that destroyed an entire village after aninfant was killed by humans there.
What really amazed me is when they were talking about Post TraumaticStress Disorder as being a trigger for rages. This one woman (don'trecall her name) said that many attacks by captive elephants may infact be reactions to intense trauma experienced in their infancy, suchas being kidnapped from the wild. Really amazing stuff.
The basic gist of the program was that elephants are incrediblycomplex, intelligent, emotional beings, and we must learn to respectthem, and live alongside them.
It definately gave me my "elephant fix" for the week
I did see that show a week or two ago and it enraged me because if mandidn't get involved and seclude the elephants to where he wanted themto be, the elephants wouldn't've raged the way they did. It was a greatshow, but very sad. I wish humans would just leave nature alone and nottry to mold it into what they want it to behave like.
It was bad enough they 'messed up' the first group of elephants, but then to go out and get a second group...
Then people wonder why they go into rages. Quite frankly, if it was me,I would've lost it much sooner than the elephant did. I was amazed atthe amount of patience the beast had.
I did think of you when I saw it, but I think you were still in Africa.I'm really glad you saw it. I knew, like me, you'd find it interesting.Keep me posted on such shows about the 'Gentle Giants'.
Thank you for thinking of me.
How cool is that, PetBunny!! I loveThe Little Rascals as well - to have one of the kids cuddling up to ababy elephant just Made My Day. This one goes to the ScreenSaver as well.