I'm so touched and happy!!!!
You guys are all so very special to me. Thank You, sincerely, for your beautiful sentiments. You're such a warm group of people.
MBB: As to you not being included because you're not here often, it's not about quantity, it's about Quality - and your loaded with that, My Dear. :innocent
Cher! You got married???? :toastingbunsWow!!! How great! Congratulations!! How are my baby girls and what do they think of having a man around the house? Are you still in China or did you move back to Canada?
Elf_Mommy, it concerned me when I saw that things have been sad for you. I truly hope things have gotten easier and happier for you. How are those beautiful children of yours and Elf doing? Have you started working on your calendar/scrapbook for next year yet? God, your artwork is amazing.
Rose! So great to see you and hear that Bub is 4! It's so great to hear that all of our babies are doing well, with the sad exception of Spice.

I do feel that he watches over our babies now though. Rose, how are things going with your music and school? Any new additions to Bub's family? Does Big Boy still like to perfume you or has he mellowed with age?
Bo, no problem with chatting.

By all means, make yourself comfortable.
Bassetluv, you have such a way with words. You still have the ability to choke me up. One can't help but feel that you truly understand and are a compassionate soul.
That's the thing that has always been so wonderful about this group - one never felt alone in their happiness, worries, or grief. In a day where we're all so rushed, it's always nice to go to a place and know that there was a smile waiting or someone there to respond when life can sometimes be cold and you feel alone.
Wow...these notes were all wonderful surprises. WIthout a doubt, this is most certainly a gift. Thank you so very very much.:bouquet: